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Last active August 4, 2019 08:17
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do $$
drop function if exists select_company_and_sectors(int);
drop function if exists update_company(int, json);
drop function if exists update_sectors(json);
drop table if exists employees;
drop table if exists sectors;
drop table if exists companies;
create table companies (
id int not null generated always as identity primary key,
user_id int not null,
name varchar(256) not null,
constraint fk_comapnies_user_id__indetity_user_id foreign key (user_id)
references identity.user (id)
on update no action
on delete no action
drop index if exists idx_companies_user_id;
create index idx_companies_user_id on companies using btree (user_id);
create table sectors (
id int not null generated always as identity primary key,
company_id int not null,
name varchar(256) not null,
constraint fk_sectors_company_id__companies_id foreign key (company_id)
references companies (id)
on update no action
on delete cascade
drop index if exists idx_sectors_company_id;
create index idx_sectors_company_id on sectors using btree (company_id);
create table employees (
id int not null generated always as identity primary key,
sector_id int not null,
user_id int null,
first_name varchar(256) not null,
last_name varchar(256) not null,
constraint fk_employees_sector_id__sectors_id foreign key (sector_id)
references sectors (id)
on update no action
on delete cascade,
constraint fk_employees_user_id__indetity_user_id foreign key (user_id)
references identity.user (id)
on update no action
on delete no action
drop index if exists idx_employees_sector_id;
create index idx_employees_sector_id on employees using btree (sector_id);
create function select_company_and_sectors(_user_id int)
returns json as
declare _company json;
declare _company_id int;
select to_json(c),
into _company, _company_id
from (
select id, name from companies c where user_id = _user_id limit 1
) c;
return json_build_object(
'company', _company,
'sectors', (
select coalesce(json_agg(s), '[]') from (
select id, name from sectors where company_id = _company_id order by company_id
) s
$$ language plpgsql;
create or replace function update_company(_user_id int, _company json)
returns json as
declare _result json;
with cte as (
update companies set name = _company->>'name' where user_id = _user_id
returning id, name
select to_json(cte) into _result from cte;
if _result is null then
with cte as (
insert into companies (name, user_id) values (_company->>'name', _user_id)
returning id, name
select to_json(cte) into _result from cte;
end if;
return _result;
$$ language plpgsql;
create function update_sectors(_sector json)
returns json as
declare _result json;
declare _company_id int;
declare _id int;
_company_id = (_sector->>'company_id')::int;
_id = (_sector->>'id')::int;
raise info '_id=%, _company_id=%', _id, _company_id;
if _sector->>'id' is null then
with cte as (
insert into sectors (name, company_id) values (_sector->>'name', _company_id)
returning id, name, company_id
select to_json(cte) into _result from cte;
with cte as (
update sectors
set name = _sector->>'name', company_id = _company_id
where id = _id
returning id, name, company_id
select to_json(cte) into _result from cte;
end if;
return _result;
$$ language plpgsql;
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