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Last active October 7, 2018 21:19
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Random numbers generator
<Query Kind="VBProgram">
Sub Main
Dim numRange As Integer = Integer.Parse(Util.ReadLine("Enter how many random numbers you want", "1000000"))
Dim min As Integer = Integer.Parse(Util.ReadLine("Enter smallest number you want", "0"))
Dim max As Integer = Integer.Parse(Util.ReadLine("Enter largest number you want", "900"))
Dim msg As String = $"creating {numRange:n0} random numbers"
Dim sw As New Stopwatch
Dim bytes = GetRandomBytes(numRange)
Dim timing = $"Bytes filled in: {sw.Elapsed}"
Dim output = ToInt(bytes)
timing = $"Array generated in: {sw.Elapsed}"
output = ForceRange(output, min, max)
timing = $"Array forced to range in: {sw.Elapsed}"
Dim byNumber = output.GroupBy(Function(n) n).Select(Function(g) New With {Key .Number = g.Key, Key .Count = g.Count}).OrderByDescending(Function(n) n.Count).ToArray
Dim multiples = byNumber.Where(Function(g) g.Count > 1).OrderByDescending(Function(g) g.Count).ThenBy(Function(n) n.Number).ToArray
msg = $"There are {byNumber.Except(multiples).Count:n0} non repeated numbers that were generated. {byNumber.Except(multiples).Count / byNumber.Count:P} and {multiples.Count:n0} numbers were repeated. The numbers ranged between {output.Min} and {output.max}."
msg &= If(multiples.Count > 0, $" The smallest number that was reapeated the most is {multiples.First.Number:n0} and was repeated {multiples.First.Count:n0} times.", "")
byNumber.Take(10).Chart(Function(num) num.count, Function(num) num.number, Util.SeriesType.BevelledPie).DumpInline("Top 10 numbers")
End Sub
' Define other methods and classes here
Function ForceRange(numbers As Integer(), Min As Integer, max As Integer) As Integer()
Return numbers.Select(Function(n) ((n - min) Mod (max + 1 - min) + max + 1 - min) Mod (max + 1 - min) + min).ToArray
End Function
Function ToInt(bytes As Byte()) As Integer()
Const requiredLen = 4 ' 4 bytes in an int32(vb integer)
If bytes.Count Mod requiredLen <> 0 Then Throw New ArgumentException($"Must be a Byte() with a length divisible by {requiredLen}")
Return Enumerable.Range(0, bytes.Count \ 4).
Select(Function(n) {bytes(n * 4), bytes(n * 4 + 1), bytes(n * 4 + 2), bytes(n * 4 + 3)}).' create batches of (4 byte) arrays
Select(Function(b) BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0)).' for each batch convert the bytes into an integer
End Function
Function GetRandomBytes(Size As Integer) As Byte()
Using rng As RNGCryptoServiceProvider = RNGCryptoServiceProvider.Create
Dim data = Enumerable.Range(0, size * 4).Select(Function(n) CByte(0)).ToArray ' Array of bytes of the correct size
rng.GetNonZeroBytes(data) 'bytes filled
Return data
End Using
End Function
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