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Last active December 11, 2015 05:28
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Save vbkaisetsu/4552405 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Vertical text on NVL mode
########## script.rpy ##########
init python:
style.default.font = "YOzRN.TTC"
style.default.language = "eastasian"
style.nvl_menu_choice_button.top_margin = 20
style.nvl_window.background = "nvl_window.png"
style.nvl_window.xpadding = 55
style.nvl_window.ypadding = 55
narator = Character(None, color="#6666ff", kind=nvl)
menu = nvl_menu
label start:
narator "どっちの箱にする?"
narator "「うーん、右!」"
narator "「うーん、左!」"
narator "「残念、はずれでしたー」"
narator "「まさか両方はずれってことはないよな?」"
narator "「どっちもはずれでしたー!」"
########## screens.rpy ##########
screen nvl:
style "nvl_window"
xmaximum 800
ymaximum 600
has hbox:
style "nvl_hbox"
box_reverse True
xalign 1.0
# Display dialogue.
for who, what, who_id, what_id, window_id in dialogue:
id window_id
has vbox:
spacing 10
xalign 1.0
if who is not None:
text who id who_id vertical True xalign 1.0
text what id what_id vertical True
# Display a menu, if given.
if items:
box_reverse True
id "menu"
for caption, action, chosen in items:
if action:
style "nvl_menu_choice_button"
action action
xfill False yfill True xmargin 0
text caption style "nvl_menu_choice" vertical True
text caption style "nvl_dialogue" vertical True
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