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Vivian Brown vbrown608

  • San Francisco, CA
View GitHub Profile

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am vbrown608 on github.
  • I am sweatercurse ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDNE1nFqR0XnqL1ZD6C9D1h3R5b1mmXfIkCFrB92W1bygo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

vbrown608 /
Created December 29, 2016 21:12
Depth-first searcher in python
# Write code that can search for a node in a tree.
# Return the node if it exists, and null/nil/none/undefined/false as appropriate
# in your language if not. For example, if the code is given "g" and a tree with
# the structure above, it should return the node named "g".
class Node:
def __init__(self, name, children = []): = name
self.children = children
  1. Create a new virtual host in MAMP Pro.
  2. Create an empty database ([DATABASE_NAME]) using Sequel Pro or phpMyAdmin.
  3. In your terminal, git clone [REPO]
  4. In your browser, navigate to the new virtual host you created.
  5. In your browser, run through the regular install process as if this were a new site.
  6. In your terminal, cd www.
  7. In your terminal, once the Drupal install is complete, mysql -u root -p [DATABASE_NAME] < ../databases/default.sql
  8. In your terminal, cd www/sites/all/themes/[THEME_NAME].
  9. In your terminal, bundle install.
  10. In your terminal, bundle exec compass compile.
/* A script to update the consulting forecast with information pulled from Siebel
* Vivian Brown
* 11/6/2012
// Google spreadsheet service: