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public $findMethods = array('indexed' => true);
* Similar to find('list'), but allows for multiple fields to be retrieved.
protected function _findIndexed($state, $query, $results = array()) {
if ($state === 'before') {
return $query;
if ($state == 'after') {
// Temporary array for returning data.
init: function(elevators, floors) {
window.queue = [];
function removeIfInQueue(floor) {
window.queue.forEach(function(val, index) {
if (val.floor === floor) {
window.queue.splice(index, 1);
vcarl / auth.jsx
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
Auth handling for a simple React applicatoin
module.exports = (function() {
'use strict';
var React = require('react');
var Login = require('../components/login.jsx');
var { RouteHandler } = require('react-router');
var Actions = require('../actions/actions.js');
var Auth = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
// Responsive image handlers.
// By putting `data-filename` and `data-root` attributes on an `img`,
// different image sizes are pulled in automatically.
// e.g. <img data-filename='hero.jpg' data-root='/images/' />
// with media queries to set body:after's `content` to one of mobile, tablet, or desktop
// the `src` will be set to '', 'hero.tablet.jpg', or hero.desktop.jpg'
$(function() {
var getSize = function() {
return window
vcarl /
Last active October 3, 2015 22:44

you can't get around not cloning state, part of the point of redux is that object references don't get reused, so you can do oldstate === newstate and not have to do a deep comparison

only way to get that is by using a new object to get a new reference

not every property on the state object needs to be clone (e.g. it's a shallow clone) because each reducer either returns its previous state (so no clone) or a new object if there's been a change

so if you have 100 properties on the root state object and one key changes, oldstate !== newstate, but oldstate['unchangedKey'] === newstate['unchangedKey']

vcarl / change.js
Last active December 8, 2015 20:48
change: function(field) {
return function(event) {
state = {};
state[field] =;
// To use:
vcarl /
Last active December 14, 2015 07:05
How to learn React

Read "Smart and Dumb Components" by Dan Abramov (who later wrote Redux, a hugely popular variation on Facebook's Flux architecture).

In general, you need to make more components than you think you do. Facebook has over 15,000. Not only is more components not harmful to performance, by giving a lot of split points and more narrowly defining what data is needed to render, you can reduce how much DOM gets invalidated--which is a massive performance gain.

As of React 0.14.0, React supports stateless function components which are functions that take a props object as an argument and return as a render function. They have caveats though, like no lifecycle, state, or refs. So why use them? Because they encourage writing small, focused components t

define (require) ->
_ = require('lodash')
React = require('react')
ReactDOM = require('react-dom')
# Modified from
isElementInViewport = (el) ->
rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
vcarl / router.js
Created September 14, 2016 03:44
Synchronous routing example
import Restify from 'restify';
import SyncRoute from './sync-route';
const server = Restify.createServer({
name: 'SyncRoutingDemo'
SyncRoute(server, {
verb: 'post',
vcarl / package.json
Last active October 27, 2016 23:50
Sample webpack 2 config
"name": "jstest",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "src/index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"keywords": [],
"author": "",