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Source code of the figures in the paper "And yet it rocks! Fluctuations and growth in Ragnar Frisch's rocking horse model"
# Author: Vincent Carret
# Contact:
# This R script reproduces the figures in the paper "And yet it rocks! Fluctuations and growth in Ragnar Frisch's rocking horse model" (version 3 - online 5 Dec. 2020)
# There is an app version accessible here:
# The libraries at the beginning are necessary and must be installed
# Functions ----
# Functions to compute the Lambert W Function used in the Laplace transform solution ----
# This algorithm is based on Corless et al. (1996) and the c++ implementation by Istvan Mezo (
initPoint <- function(z, k){
I <- complex(real = 0, imaginary = 1)
tPiKI <- complex(real = 0, imaginary = 2*pi*k)
ip <- log(z) + tPiKI - log(log(z) + tPiKI)
p <- sqrt(2*(exp(1)*z+1))
if(abs(z - (-exp(-1))) <= 1){
if(k == 0) ip <- -1 + p - 1/3 * p^2 + 11/72 * p^3
if(k == 1 && Im(z) < 0) ip <- -1 - p - 1/3 * p^2 - 11/72 * p^3
if(k == -1 && Im(z) > 0) ip <- -1 - p - 1/3 * p^2 - 11/72 * p^3
if(k == 0 && abs(z - 0.5) <= 0.5) ip <- (0.35173371 * (0.1237166 + 7.061302897 * z)) / (2 + 0.827184 * (1 + 2*z))
if (k == -1 && abs(z - 0.5) <= 0.5) ip <- -(((2.2591588985 + 4.22096*I) * ((-14.073271 - 33.767687754*I) * z - (12.7127 - 19.071643*I) * (1 + 2*z))) / (2 - (17.23103 - 10.629721*I) * (1 + 2*z)))
lambertW <- function(z, k = 0){
if(class(z) != "complex") z <- complex(real = z, imaginary = 0)
# Some values of z and k yield known results
if(z == 0) return(if(k == 0) 0 else -Inf)
if(z == -exp(-1) && (k == 0 || k == -1)) return(-1)
if(z == exp(1) && k == 0) return(1)
# Halley's method
w <- initPoint(z, k)
maxiter = 30
prec <- 10^-30
for(i in 1:maxiter){
wprev <- w
w <- w-(w*exp(w)-z)/(exp(w)*(w+1) - ((w+2)*(w*exp(w)-z))/(2*w+2))
if(abs(w-wprev) < prec) break
# Functions to compute the coefficients and roots of Frisch's model (in the case of a disturbed equilibrium) ----
coefs <- function(s,a,b,c,d,eps,disc,ic){
if(s != 0) num <- c+s*disc+(d/s-b)*ic*(1-exp(-eps*s))-d*ic*eps
else num <- c
denom <- 2*s+a+b*exp(-eps*s)-b*s*eps*exp(-eps*s)+d*eps*exp(-eps*s)
polyFrisch <- function(x,a,b,d,eps=6, deriv = 0){
if(deriv == 0) return(x^2+a*x+b*x*exp(-eps*x)+d-d*exp(-eps*x))
else if(deriv == 1) return(2*x+a+b*exp(-eps*x)-eps*b*x*exp(-eps*x)+eps*d*exp(-eps*x))
newton <- function(x,a,b,d,eps=6){
return(x-polyFrisch(x,a,b,d,eps)/polyFrisch(x,a,b,d,eps, deriv = 1))
compute_roots <- function(rho){
roots <- c(0)
for(x in rho){
for(i in 1:100){
xp <- newton(x,a,b,d,eps)
if(abs(x - xp) < 1e-10) break
else x = xp
if(round(x,5) == 0){
x = -1
for(i in 1:100){
xp <- newton(x,a,b,d,eps)
if(abs(x - xp) < 1e-10) break
else x = xp
roots <- c(roots,x)
# Functions and parameters reproducing the step by step solution ----
iFT <- function(t,h) return(round(t/h+1))
yt = function(m,mu,x,t,h){
h = 1/6
# Figures ----
# Figure 1 & 2 ----
eps = 6
mu = 10
m = 0.5
lam = 0.05
r = 2
s = 1
N = 1000
ft = 75
t <- seq(from = 0, to = ft, by = 1/eps)
a = lam*r+lam*s*mu/eps
b = -lam*s*mu/eps
c = 0.165
d = lam*s*m/eps
rho = sapply(0:N, function(x) lambertW(-b*exp(a*eps)*eps, x)/eps-a)
roots = compute_roots(rho)
eq = c/(lam*(r+s*m))
disc = 1.1*eq
init_vals = eq
ks = c()
for(i in 1:N){
ks <- c(ks, coefs(roots[i],a,b,c,d,eps,disc,init_vals))
to_plot = data.frame(time = c(t,seq(ft,ft + eps,by=1/eps)))
fig = plot_ly(to_plot, x = ~time)
if(N > 0){
superpos <- rep(Re(ks[1]), length(t))
if(N > 1){
for(i in 2:N){
if(i == 2){
superpos <- superpos + Re(ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i]))
} else{
superpos <- superpos + Mod(2*ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i]))*cos(t*Im(roots[i]) + Arg(2*ks[i]))
superpos = c(rep(init_vals,eps^2+1), superpos)
fig = fig %>% add_trace(y = superpos, type = "scatter", mode = "lines", name = "components sum", color = I("black"))
to_plot = data.frame(time = c(t,seq(ft,ft + eps,by=1/eps)))
fig = plot_ly(to_plot, x = ~time)
comps = c(2,3,4,5)
if(length(comps) != 0){
for(i in as.numeric(comps)){
if(i == 2){
comp = c(rep(init_vals,eps^2), NA, init_vals+Re(ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i])))
fig <- fig %>% add_trace(y = comp, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', name = "Trend")
} else{
comp = c(rep(init_vals,eps^2), NA, init_vals+Mod(2*ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i]))*cos(t*Im(roots[i]) + Arg(2*ks[i])))
fig = fig %>% add_trace(y = comp, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', name = paste0("Cycle ", i-2))
y1 = init_vals+Re(ks[2])*exp(t[1]*Re(roots[2]))
y2 = init_vals+Mod(2*ks[3])*exp(t[1]*Re(roots[3]))*cos(t[1]*Im(roots[3]) + Arg(2*ks[3]))
fig <- fig %>% add_segments(x = eps, xend = eps, y = y1, yend = y2, line = list(color = 'rgb(173, 173, 173)', width = 1, dash = 'dash'), showlegend=F)
fig %>% layout(legend = list(x = 0.8,y=0.98, font = list(size=24)))
# Figure 3 & 4 ----
eps = 6
mu = 10
m = 0.5
lam = 0.3
r = 2
s = 1
N = 1000
ft = 50
t <- seq(from = 0, to = ft, by = 1/eps)
a = lam*r+lam*s*mu/eps
b = -lam*s*mu/eps
c = 0.165
d = lam*s*m/eps
rho = sapply(0:N, function(x) lambertW(-b*exp(a*eps)*eps, x)/eps-a)
roots = compute_roots(rho)
eq = c/(lam*(r+s*m))
disc = 1.1*eq
init_vals = eq
ks = c()
for(i in 1:N){
ks <- c(ks, coefs(roots[i],a,b,c,d,eps,disc,init_vals))
to_plot = data.frame(time = c(t,seq(ft,ft + eps,by=1/eps)))
fig = plot_ly(to_plot, x = ~time)
if(N > 0){
superpos <- rep(Re(ks[1]), length(t))
if(N > 1){
for(i in 2:N){
if(i == 2){
superpos <- superpos + Re(ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i]))
} else{
superpos <- superpos + Mod(2*ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i]))*cos(t*Im(roots[i]) + Arg(2*ks[i]))
superpos = c(rep(init_vals,eps^2+1), superpos)
fig = fig %>% add_trace(y = superpos, type = "scatter", mode = "lines", name = "components sum", color = I("black"))
to_plot = data.frame(time = c(t,seq(ft,ft + eps,by=1/eps)))
fig = plot_ly(to_plot, x = ~time)
comps = c(2,3)
if(length(comps) != 0){
for(i in as.numeric(comps)){
if(i == 2){
comp = c(rep(init_vals,eps^2), NA, init_vals+Re(ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i])))
fig <- fig %>% add_trace(y = comp, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', name = "Trend")
} else{
comp = c(rep(init_vals,eps^2), NA, init_vals+Mod(2*ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i]))*cos(t*Im(roots[i]) + Arg(2*ks[i])))
fig = fig %>% add_trace(y = comp, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', name = paste0("Cycle ", i-2))
y1 = init_vals+Re(ks[2])*exp(t[1]*Re(roots[2]))
y2 = init_vals+Mod(2*ks[3])*exp(t*Re(roots[3]))*cos(t*Im(roots[3]) + Arg(2*ks[3]))
fig <- fig %>% add_segments(x = eps, xend = eps, y = y1, yend = y2, line = list(color = 'rgb(173, 173, 173)', width = 1, dash = 'dash'), showlegend=F)
fig %>% layout(legend = list(x = 0.8,y=0.98, font = list(size=24)))
# Figure 5 & 6 ----
eps = 6
mu = 15
m = 1
lam = 0.3
r = 1
s = 2
N = 1000
ft = 100
t <- seq(from = 0, to = ft, by = 1/eps)
a = lam*r+lam*s*mu/eps
b = -lam*s*mu/eps
c = 0.165
d = lam*s*m/eps
rho = sapply(0:N, function(x) lambertW(-b*exp(a*eps)*eps, x)/eps-a)
roots = compute_roots(rho)
eq = c/(lam*(r+s*m))
disc = 1.1*eq
init_vals = eq
ks = c()
for(i in 1:N){
ks <- c(ks, coefs(roots[i],a,b,c,d,eps,disc,init_vals))
to_plot = data.frame(time = c(t,seq(ft,ft + eps,by=1/eps)))
fig = plot_ly(to_plot, x = ~time)
if(N > 0){
superpos <- rep(Re(ks[1]), length(t))
if(N > 1){
for(i in 2:N){
if(i == 2){
superpos <- superpos + Re(ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i]))
} else{
superpos <- superpos + Mod(2*ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i]))*cos(t*Im(roots[i]) + Arg(2*ks[i]))
superpos = c(rep(init_vals,eps^2+1), superpos)
fig = fig %>% add_trace(y = superpos, type = "scatter", mode = "lines", name = "components sum", color = I("black"))
to_plot = data.frame(time = c(t,seq(ft,ft + eps,by=1/eps)))
fig = plot_ly(to_plot, x = ~time)
comps = c(2,3)
if(length(comps) != 0){
for(i in as.numeric(comps)){
if(i == 2){
comp = c(rep(init_vals,eps^2), NA, init_vals+Re(ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i])))
fig <- fig %>% add_trace(y = comp, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', name = "Trend")
} else{
comp = c(rep(init_vals,eps^2), NA, init_vals+Mod(2*ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i]))*cos(t*Im(roots[i]) + Arg(2*ks[i])))
fig = fig %>% add_trace(y = comp, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', name = paste0("Cycle ", i-2))
y1 = init_vals+Re(ks[2])*exp(t[1]*Re(roots[2]))
y2 = init_vals+Mod(2*ks[3])*exp(t*Re(roots[3]))*cos(t*Im(roots[3]) + Arg(2*ks[3]))
fig <- fig %>% add_segments(x = eps, xend = eps, y = y1, yend = y2, line = list(color = 'rgb(173, 173, 173)', width = 1, dash = 'dash'),showlegend=F)
fig %>% layout(legend = list(x = 0.8,y=0.98, font = list(size=24)))
# Figure 7 & 8 ----
eps = 6
mu = 15
m = 1
lam = 0.3
r = 1
s = 2
N = 1000
ft = 100
t <- seq(from = 0, to = ft, by = 1/eps)
a = lam*r+lam*s*mu/eps
b = -lam*s*mu/eps
c = 0.165
d = lam*s*m/eps
rho = sapply(0:N, function(x) lambertW(-b*exp(a*eps)*eps, x)/eps-a)
roots = compute_roots(rho)
eq = c/(lam*(r+s*m))
disc = 0.2*eq
init_vals = 0.2*eq
ks = c()
for(i in 1:N){
ks <- c(ks, coefs(roots[i],a,b,c,d,eps,disc,init_vals))
to_plot = data.frame(time = c(t,seq(ft,ft + eps,by=1/eps)))
fig = plot_ly(to_plot, x = ~time)
if(N > 0){
superpos <- rep(Re(ks[1]), length(t))
if(N > 1){
for(i in 2:N){
if(i == 2){
superpos <- superpos + Re(ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i]))
} else{
superpos <- superpos + Mod(2*ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i]))*cos(t*Im(roots[i]) + Arg(2*ks[i]))
superpos = c(rep(init_vals,eps^2+1), superpos)
fig = fig %>% add_trace(y = superpos, type = "scatter", mode = "lines", name = "components sum", color = I("black"))
to_plot = data.frame(time = c(t,seq(ft,ft + eps,by=1/eps)))
fig = plot_ly(to_plot, x = ~time)
comps = c(2,3,4)
if(length(comps) != 0){
for(i in as.numeric(comps)){
if(i == 2){
comp = c(rep(init_vals,eps^2), NA, Re(ks[1])+Re(ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i])))
fig <- fig %>% add_trace(y = comp, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', name = "Trend")
} else{
comp = c(rep(init_vals,eps^2), NA, init_vals+Mod(2*ks[i])*exp(t*Re(roots[i]))*cos(t*Im(roots[i]) + Arg(2*ks[i])))
fig = fig %>% add_trace(y = comp, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', name = paste0("Cycle ", i-2))
y1 = Re(ks[1])+Re(ks[2])*exp(t[1]*Re(roots[2]))
y2 = init_vals+Mod(2*ks[3])*exp(t*Re(roots[3]))*cos(t*Im(roots[3]) + Arg(2*ks[3]))
fig <- fig %>% add_segments(x = eps, xend = eps, y = y1, yend = y2, line = list(color = 'rgb(173, 173, 173)', width = 1, dash = 'dash'),showlegend=F)
fig %>% layout(legend = list(x = 0.8,y=0.9, font = list(size=24)))
# Using the step-by-step solution
tfinal = 100
times = seq(0,tfinal,by=h)
x = rep(init_vals,length(times))
start = iFT(eps,h)
x[start] = disc
for(t in times[(start):iFT(tfinal,h)]){
denom = (1+lam*s*h*mu/(2*eps))
sumy = sum(sapply(seq(h,eps-h,by=h), function(i) yt(m,mu,x,t-i,h)))
x[iFT(t+h,h)] = (h*c+(1-lam*h*r-(h*lam*s*(h*m-mu))/(2*eps))*x[iFT(t,h)]-lam*s*h^2/eps*(yt(m,mu,x,t-eps,h)/2+sumy))/denom
x = x[1:length(x)-1]
plot(times, x, type = "l")
lines(times,superpos[1:601], col = "red")
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