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Created September 2, 2015 13:36
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VCHIMEVMAC:master vchimev$ node_modules/.bin/tns build ios --path myApp --log trace
Exec uname -a
stdout: Darwin VCHIMEVMAC.local 14.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Wed Jul 29 02:26:53 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.40.9~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
Exec npm -v
stdout: 2.12.1
spawn: java -version
Exec ant -version
stdout: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.6 compiled on June 29 2015
Exec node-gyp -v
stderr: /bin/sh: node-gyp: command not found
Exec xcodebuild -version
stdout: Xcode 6.4
Build version 6E35b
Exec adb version
stdout: Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.32
Revision 57224c5cff69-android
Exec android -h
android [global options] action [action options]
Global options:
-s --silent : Silent mode, shows errors only.
-v --verbose : Verbose mode, shows errors, warnings and all messages.
--clear-cache: Clear the SDK Manager repository manifest cache.
-h --help : Help on a specific command.
of a verb
and an
- sdk : Displays the SDK Manager window.
- avd : Displays the AVD Manager window.
- list : Lists existing targets or virtual devices.
- list avd : Lists existing Android Virtual Devices.
- list target : Lists existing targets.
- list device : Lists existing devices.
- list sdk : Lists remote SDK repository.
- create avd : Creates a new Android Virtual Device.
- move avd : Moves or renames an Android Virtual Device.
- delete avd : Deletes an Android Virtual Device.
- update avd : Updates an Android Virtual Device to match the folders
of a new SDK.
- create project : Creates a new Android project.
- update project : Updates an Android project (must already have an
- create test-project : Creates a new Android project for a test package.
- update test-project : Updates the Android project for a test package (must
already have an AndroidManifest.xml).
- create lib-project : Creates a new Android library project.
- update lib-project : Updates an Android library project (must already have
an AndroidManifest.xml).
- create uitest-project: Creates a new UI test project.
- update adb : Updates adb to support the USB devices declared in the
SDK add-ons.
- update sdk : Updates the SDK by suggesting new platforms to install
if available.
Exec mono --version
stderr: /bin/sh: mono: command not found
Exec git --version
stdout: git version 2.3.2 (Apple Git-55)
Exec gradle -v
Gradle 2.6
Build time: 2015-08-10 13:15:06 UTC
Build number: none
Revision: 233bbf8e47c82f72cb898b3e0a96b85d0aad166e
Groovy: 2.3.10
Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.3 compiled on December 23 2013
JVM: 1.8.0_60 (Oracle Corporation 25.60-b23)
OS: Mac OS X 10.10.5 x86_64
Exec javac -version
stderr: javac 1.8.0_60
System information:
{ procInfo: 'nativescript/1.3.0-325',
platform: 'darwin',
os: 'Darwin VCHIMEVMAC.local 14.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Wed Jul 29 02:26:53 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.40.9~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64\n',
shell: '/bin/bash',
dotNetVer: null,
procArch: 'x64',
nodeVer: 'v0.12.7',
npmVer: '2.12.1',
javaVer: '1.8.0',
antVer: 'Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.6 compiled on June 29 2015',
nodeGypVer: null,
xcodeVer: 'Xcode 6.4\nBuild version 6E35b\n',
itunesInstalled: true,
adbVer: 'Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.32',
androidInstalled: true,
monoVer: null,
gitVer: '2.3.2 (Apple Git-55)',
gradleVer: '2.6',
javacVersion: '1.8.0_60' }
Initializing analytics statuses.
Analytics statuses:
{ TrackFeatureUsage: 1, TrackExceptions: 0 }
Trying to track feature 'CLI' with value 'build'.
BeforeHookName for command build-ios is before-build-ios
AfterHookName for command build-ios is after-build-ios
Looking for project in '/Work/master/myApp'
Project directory is '/Work/master/myApp'.
spawn: adb version
Analytics statuses:
{ TrackFeatureUsage: 1, TrackExceptions: 0 }
Trying to track feature 'CLI' with value 'build|ios'.
BeforeHookName for command build|ios is before-build
AfterHookName for command build|ios is after-build
Images from Xcode project
[ 'Default-568h@2x.png',
'icon@2x.png' ]
Current images from App_Resources
[ 'Default-568h@2x.png',
'icon@2x.png' ]
New images to add into xcode project:
Images to remove from xcode project:
Project successfully prepared
spawn: xcodebuild -configuration Debug build SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=/Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/sharedpch -project /Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/myApp.xcodeproj -target myApp -sdk iphonesimulator -arch i386 VALID_ARCHS="i386" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/emulator
Build settings from command line:
ARCHS = i386
CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR = /Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/emulator
SDKROOT = iphonesimulator8.4
SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR = /Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/sharedpch
VALID_ARCHS = "i386"
Check dependencies
PhaseScriptExecution Generate\ Metadata build/
cd /Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios
/bin/sh -c /Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/
Generating metadata for i386:
Parsed header search paths:
Parsed framework search paths:
Clang parameters: -v -x objective-c -fno-objc-arc -fmodule-maps -isysroot /Applications/ -arch i386 -target arm-apple-darwin -std=gnu99 -miphoneos-version-min=7.0 -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-ignored-attributes -ferror-limit=0 -I/Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/emulator/include -I/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -I/Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/NativeScript/include -F/Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/emulator -F/Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios -F/Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/../../lib/iOS
Merged 399 categories.
Result: 23747 declarations from 78 top level modules
Done! Running time: 1.6578 sec
Ld build/emulator/ normal i386
cd /Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios
export PATH="/Applications/"
/Applications/ -arch i386 -isysroot /Applications/ -L/Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/emulator -L/Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/NativeScript/lib -F/Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/emulator -F/Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios -F/Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/../../lib/iOS -filelist /Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/ -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker @executable_path/Frameworks -Xlinker -objc_abi_version -Xlinker 2 -ObjC -sectcreate __DATA __TNSMetadata /Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/emulator/metadata-i386.bin -fobjc-arc -fobjc-link-runtime -Xlinker -no_implicit_dylibs -mios-simulator-version-min=7.0 -licucore -lz -lc++ -weak_framework Foundation -weak_framework UIKit -framework MobileCoreServices -lNativeScript -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/ -o /Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/emulator/
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/../../lib/iOS'
ld: can't open -sectcreate file: /Work/master/myApp/platforms/ios/build/emulator/metadata-i386.bin
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
The following build commands failed:
Ld build/emulator/ normal i386
(1 failure)
Command xcodebuild failed with exit code 65
Analytics statuses:
{ TrackFeatureUsage: 1, TrackExceptions: 0 }
Trying to track feature 'CLI' with value 'help'.
List of registered commands: /?, autocomplete, autocomplete|disable, autocomplete|enable, autocomplete|status, build, build|android, build|ios, create, debug, debug|android, debug|ios, deploy, device, device|android, device|get-file, device|ios, device|list-applications, device|list-files, device|log, device|put-file, device|run, device|stop, device|uninstall, doctor, emulate, emulate|android, emulate|ios, error-reporting, help, init, install, library, library|add, livesync, platform, platform|add, platform|remove, platform|update, plugin, plugin|add, plugin|remove, prepare, run, run|android, run|ios, usage-reporting
Reading help for command 'build|ios'. FileName is ''.
# build ios
│ Usage │ Synopsis │
│ General │ $ tns build ios [--for-device] [--release] │
Builds the project for iOS and produces an APP or IPA that you can manually deploy in the iOS Simulator or on device, respectively.
IMPORTANT: Before building for iOS device, verify that you have configured a valid pair of certificate and provisioning profile on your OS X system.
### Options
* --release - If set, produces a release build. Otherwise, produces a debug build.
* --for-device - If set, produces an application package that you can deploy on device. Otherwise, produces a build that you can run only in the native iOS Simulator.
VCHIMEVMAC:master vchimev$
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