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vciancio / gist:ac6cd083059c9fc62ab9
Created December 27, 2014 16:17
[ROM] Vanillipop 1.4 - 12/1/2014 [Vanilla Android Lollipop] Screen and Button Freeze
I/ActivityManager( 983): Killing 1716:android.process.acore/u0a4 (adj 15): empty #17
I/ActivityManager( 983): Recipient 1716
I/ActivityManager( 983): Killing (adj 15): empty #17
I/ActivityManager( 983): Recipient 3874
W/libprocessgroup( 983): failed to open /acct/uid_10004/pid_1716/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory
D/ForegroundUtils( 1636): Process died; UID 10004 PID 1716
D/ForegroundUtils( 1636): Foreground changed, PID: 1716 UID: 10004 foreground: false
D/ForegroundUtils( 1636): Foreground UID/PID combinations:
D/ForegroundUtils( 1636): UID: 10024 PID: 1671
W/libprocessgroup( 983): failed to open /acct/uid_10034/pid_3874/cgroup.procs: No such file or directory
I/ServiceManager( 510): Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
I/ServiceManager( 510): Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
I/ServiceManager( 510): Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
I/ServiceManager( 510): Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
I/ServiceManager( 510): Waiting for service AtCmdFwd...
W/Atfwd_Sendcmd( 510): AtCmdFwd service not published, waiting... retryCnt : 5
E/NetlinkEvent( 488): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found
E/NetlinkEvent( 488): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found
I/Atfwd_Sendcmd( 510): AtCmdFwd service not ready - Exhausted retry attempts - :6
I/Atfwd_Daemon( 510): result : -1 ,Init step :2 ,qmiErrorCode: 0