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Last active November 29, 2020 22:27
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Corsika is a Discord bot focused on utilities such as lookups and finding messages. It is designed to be powerful, not beginner friendly. The prefix is &, please visit the support server for more support if needed:

Commands will be presented in the following format:

topLevelCommandOrGroup [alias1, alias2]

{a|b} means you can choose either a or b
<name: str> means name is a required argument of type string
<name: str | id: int> means that is a required argument, you can either provide a string (name) or integer (id)
[name: str] means name is an optional argument of type string, the same rules for required arguments apply to optional args too
--arg or -a means you can use --arg or -a in your command, it is a standalone argument
--arg <id: int> or -a <id: int> means you can use --arg or -a but you must provide a valid integer directly after the argument



Tracking is for live tracking events with specific search parameters, for example messages containing a phrase posted in a specific channel.


  message [m, msg, mess]
      <name: str>
        <timeout: int>
          <content: str>
            --channel <id: int>
            --user <id: int>
      <name: str>
        <timeout: int>
          <content: str>


&track message direct ExampleName 60 hello
&track message regex ExampleName2 60 h(e|o)llo --user 297045071457681409
&track join direct ExampleJoin 21600 EdmVicii


Info is for looking up various Discord objects, such as Members, Roles, and Channels


info [lookup, ?]
  <object: str | object: id | object: discordObject>

member [memberinfo]
  <member: str | member: id | member: discordObject>

role [roleinfo]
  <role: str | role: id | role: discordObject>

channel [channelinfo]
  <channel: str | channel: id | channel: discordObject>

user [userinfo]
  <user: id>
ℹ️ discordObject means anything that shows as a mention in Discord, for example, a member mention: <@id>


Find allows you to search through cached messages for content, using either a plain text base search, or a custom regex, finduc is the same, but searched uncached messages


find [locate]
  <query: str>

finduc [locateuc]
  <channel: str | channel: id | channel: discordObject>
    <query: str>
ℹ️ -r uses regex to search, -f exports the resulting messages to a json file, -l specifies a limit to how many messages will be fetched (min: 500, max: 10000)

If you require any assistance using the bot, please message vcokltfre#6868 on Discord

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