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Created January 28, 2022 20:40
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DDevs Event - 28/01/2022

App discovery

  • Go to the dev portal
  • Add tags to your bot!
  • You need to complete this to be in app discovery.


  • Targetting SLA for intents/verif by feb 14th
  • Permissions V2 is going well
  • Just started beta for attachment option type for slash commands
  • Almost ready for modals too
  • Improvements to select menus (prepopulate with roles, users channels, future support for autocomplete)
  • Thinking about a date picker component/option type
  • Starting on big backend refactor of the way app commands are stored (help to do perms better and do things we've wanted for a while like hiding commands)
  • More details in later stage channels

App command permissions V2

See: in

Management view Command modal View as role Filtering

  • Overall permissions for an app apply to its commands by default
  • Each command can have its permissions set separately
  • Command permissions can be synced with the application permissions
  • Can add 100 overrides/overwrites
  • You can use view as role in here to see how commands would look with a role
  • App owners can tier default permissions to member permissions, i.e. manage_messages

Wanted in short term

  • Adding descriptions in the command modal (image 2)
  • App ownwers able to set default member permissions to use a command
  • Compute a list of roles able to use a command if the permissions haven't been overriden


  • Permissions can be set on top-level commands only
  • This is due to technical reasons

How will this effect existing command permissions?

  • Backwards compat to start and eventual deprecation
  • If you have V1 commands they will work, if you add V2 permissions to the same command they'll overwrite
  • No timeline for the deprecation period
  • Building "v2.02" then run as an experiment
  • Testing in some servers then at scale

Rich presence

  • Able to use external assets in rich presence
  • 150 images is limiting
  • Images are proxied via the media proxy
  • For making emulators, artwork for game, etc.
  • Should be backwards compatible with IPC and Game SDK

Q & A

When will we see context menu app for mobile?

It's planned to do but more imminent things take precendence. Trying to make it happen this quarter, on the list but there are "bigger fish to fry". There's a lot of work going into the Android app right now, which is considered a blocker for mobile context menus.

Are there plans to specify in the "Missing Permissions" 403/50013 error response which permission has been determined to be missing?

See: discord/discord-api-docs#3239

Thing to keep in mind as general API improvements are made. So many places where this can happen so it would touch a lot of surface area to track down everything.

Is there any movement on being able to send message components without needing content or embeds?

Will probably be done. Mason doesn't like it very much but understands it is wanted, apparently this change is on a list.

Are you guys planning on adding input fields? Would be a cool addition Also add marquees

Marquees: No

Yes, input stuff is being done, adroid timeline is making it take a longer time, but input in modals is where this is up to, beta "sometime soonish". Input fields will stay as modals for now, not in messages themselves.

Is there any consideration to expand the HTTPS application endpoint implementation to something on-par with the websockets-based gateway? Might be good for flexibility, as HTTP(S) and JSON might be more familiar with some people.

Things that can be done to make HTTP app development better. The gateway and HTTP services both serve different purposes

What is the status on mobile support for interactions? With the deadline for message content quickly approaching, it's worrying that several users are still unable to use slash commands on mobile (especially Android). One big example is slash commands simply being sent as a /command in chat instead of executing.

Current issues sound like bugs, the work being done on android currently should help solve some of these issues

Sorry this is as far as I'll get, I'm too tired to keep writing this :)

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thanks vco!

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you're the best vco!

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