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Last active March 23, 2020 05:48
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The Number System
7. What is the ​ largest positive number​ one can represent in
a ​ 12-bit 2's complement​ code? Write your result in binary
and decimal?
Largest 12-bit binary positive = 0111 1111 1111
In Decimal = (1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256+512+1024+0) = 2047 = 2^11 -1
8. What are the 8-bit patterns used to represent each of the
characters in the string "​ CODE/THS 2020 " ? (Only represent
the characters between the quotation marks.)
**Note: There is space between ​ THS ​ and ​ 2020 ​ .
Using the ASCII Table
Dec Binary
C = 67 0100 0011
O = 79 0100 1111
D = 68 0100 0100
E = 69 0100 0101
/ = 47 0010 1111
T = 84 0101 0100
H = 72 0100 1000
S = 83 0101 0011
SPACE = 32 0010 0000
2 = 50 0011 0010
0 = 48 0011 0000
2 = 50 0011 0010
0 = 48 0011 0000
Decimal = 67 79 68 69 47 84 72 83 32 50 48 50 48
Binary = 01000011-01001111-01000100-01000101-00101111-01010100-01001000-01010011-00100000-00110010-00110000-00110010-00110000
9. Perform the following additions on​ 12-bit numbers,
generating an ​ 12-bit result.​ ​ Negative numbers​ are
represented using two’s complement. For each addition,
clearly indicate if unsigned and/or ​ signed overflow
occurred or not.
● 1111 1111 0101
0000 1100 1100
● 1101 0101 1010
1111 1110 1010
● 1111 1111 0100
1101 0111 1111
● 1111 1111 0011
0011 1001 1001
11111 1111 1 (Carry)
1111 1111 0101
0000 1100 1100
1 0000 1100 0001
= Signed Overflow is 1
1 1111 1111 1 (Carry)
1101 0101 1010
1111 1110 1010
1 1101 0100 0100
= Signed Overflow is 1
1 1111 1111 1 (Carry)
1111 1111 0100
1101 0111 1111
1 1101 0111 0011
= Signed Overflow is 1
1111 1111 0011
0011 1001 1001
1 0011 1000 1100
= Signed Overflow is 1
10. (1101)​2​ × (101)​2
1101 1101 = 1+0+4+8 = 13
101 * 101 = 1+0+4 = 5
------- ----
111 (carry) 65
0000| +
1101|| +
01000001 = 1+64 = (65)10
11. (1001)​2​ ÷ (101)​2
1 (Borrow) 101 = 1+0+4 = 5
101 ) 1001 ( 1 1001 = 1+0+0+8=9
101 9/5 =
(1001)​2​ ÷ (101)​2 = (1)2
12. What is the biggest binary number you can write with 5 bits?
Ans: 11111 = 1+2+4+8+16 = 2^5 -1 = 31
13. What is the biggest binary number you can write with
n bits?
Ans: 2^n -1 the max no
14. Which fractions recur infinitely in binary and which terminate?
Ans: if demoninator of fraction in lowest form is power of 2 then it terminates, else not.
15. In hex, 2BFC + 54AF ?
Ans : 2BFC = (11260)10 = (10101111111100)2
54AF = (21679)10 = (101010010101111)2
111 1111 1111 1 (Carry)
010 1011 1111 1100
+ 101 0100 1010 1111
1000 0000 1010 1011
= 32768+128+32+8+2+1 = (32939)10
16 32939
2058 11 = B
128 10 = A
8 0
= (80AB)16
2BFC + 54AF = 80AB
16. If a number has ​ k ​ digits in hex, how many digits (bits) does it have in ​ binary​ ?
Ans : k/4
17. Convert the binary number ​ 1101101111110101 to hex ?
Ans :
1101 1011 1111 0101
= 32768+16384+4096+2048+512+256+128+64+32+16+4+1
= (56309)10
16 56309
3519 5
219 15
13 11
1101 1011 1111 0101 = (DBF5)16
18. Convert the hex number ​ ABC7 to binary?
= 10*16^3 + 11*16^2 + 12*16 + 7*1
= (43975)10
2 43975
21987 1
10993 1
5496 1
2748 0
1374 0
687 0
343 1
171 1
85 1
42 1
21 0
10 1
5 0
2 1
1 0
(ABC7)16 = (1010 1011 1100 0111)2
19. In hex, ​ AC74 − B3F?
AC74 = (10 × 16³) + (12 × 16²) + (7 × 16¹) + (4 × 16⁰)
= (44148)10
= (1010 1100 0111 0100)2
B3F = (11 × 16²) + (3 × 16¹) + (15 × 16⁰)
= (2879)10
= (0000 1011 0011 1111)2
011 000 1011 (Borrow)
1010 1100 0111 0100
- 0000 1011 0011 1111
1010 0001 0011 0101
= (41269)10
= (A135)16
20. Convert the following binary fractions to ordinary fractions
● 0.1001
● 1.0011
● 1.1111
A. 0.1001
= 0*2^0 + 1*2^-1 + 0 + 0 + 1*2^-4
= (0.5625)10
B. 1.0011
= 1 + 1*2^-3 + 1*2^-4
= (1.1875)10
C. 1.1111
= 1 + 1*2^-1 + 1*2^-2 + 1*2^-3 + 1*2^-4
= (1.9375)10
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