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Created June 15, 2013 03:09
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This is a preliminary method of pulling a Short Title from LIMS
Sub LIMS_Test()
' LIMS_Test Macro
Dim LIMS_URL As String
Dim Short_Title As String
Dim IE As InternetExplorer
Set IE = New InternetExplorer
Dim doc As HTMLDocument 'variable for document or data which need to be extracted out of webpage
LIMS_URL = "" & "B20-0001"
IE.Visible = False
IE.Navigate (LIMS_URL)
Set doc = IE.Document
Short_Title = doc.getElementById("ShortTitle").innerText
Short_Title = PCase(Short_Title) 'Borrowed from the internet
Short_Title = Right(Short_Title, Len(Short_Title) - 1)
Short_Title = Left(Short_Title, Len(Short_Title) - 3)
MsgBox Short_Title
End Sub
' Name: A Better Proper Case Function
' Description:Just copy/paste this function into your code, and it will allow you to convert a string to proper case. Now you've got UCase, LCase, AND PCase.
' By: Doug Tyson
' Assumes:I tried to account for as many "unimportant" words as I could, but I'm sure I've missed some. Just add any entries you feel necessary in the select statement.
'This code is copyrighted and has' limited warranties.Please see'for details.'**************************************
Function PCase(strInput)
'Variable declaration.
Dim strArr
Dim tmpWord
Dim tmpString
Dim last
'Create an array to store each word in the string separately.
strArr = Split(strInput, " ")
If UBound(strArr) > 0 Then
For x = LBound(strArr) To UBound(strArr)
'Set each word to lower case initially.
strArr(x) = LCase(strArr(x))
'Skip the unimportant words.
Select Case strArr(x)
Case "a"
Case "an"
Case "and"
Case "but"
Case "by"
Case "for"
Case "in"
Case "into"
Case "is"
Case "of"
Case "off"
Case "on"
Case "onto"
Case "or"
Case "the"
Case "to"
Case "a.m."
strArr(x) = "A.M."
Case "p.m."
strArr(x) = "P.M."
Case "b.c."
strArr(x) = "B.C."
Case "a.d."
strArr(x) = "A.D."
Case Else
'Capitalize the first letter, but don't forget to take into account that
'the string may be in single or double quotes.
If Len(strArr(x)) > 1 Then
If Mid(strArr(x), 1, 1) = "'" Or Mid(strArr(x), 1, 1) = """" Then
tmpWord = Mid(strArr(x), 1, 1) & UCase(Mid(strArr(x), 2, 1)) & Mid(strArr(x), 3, Len(strArr(x)) - 2)
tmpWord = UCase(Mid(strArr(x), 1, 1)) & Mid(strArr(x), 2, Len(strArr(x)) - 1)
End If
strArr(x) = tmpWord
End If
End Select
'The unimportant words may need to be capitalized if they follow a dash, colon,
'semi-colon, single quote or double quote.
If x > 0 Then
If InStr(strArr(x - 1), "-") _
Or InStr(strArr(x - 1), ":") _
Or InStr(strArr(x - 1), ";") Then
tmpWord = UCase(Mid(strArr(x), 1, 1)) & Mid(strArr(x), 2, Len(strArr(x)) - 1)
strArr(x) = tmpWord
End If
End If
strArr(0) = LCase(strArr(0))
End If
'Make sure the first word in the array is upper case, but don't forget to take into account
'that the string may be in single or double quotes.
If Mid(strArr(0), 1, 1) = "'" Or Mid(strArr(0), 1, 1) = """" Then
tmpWord = Mid(strArr(0), 1, 1) & UCase(Mid(strArr(0), 2, 1)) & Mid(strArr(0), 3, Len(strArr(0)) - 2)
tmpWord = UCase(Mid(strArr(0), 1, 1)) & Mid(strArr(0), 2, Len(strArr(0)) - 1)
End If
strArr(0) = tmpWord
'Also, make sure the last word in the array is upper case, but don't forget to take into account
'that the string may be in single or double quotes.
last = UBound(strArr)
If Mid(strArr(last), 1, 1) = "'" Or Mid(strArr(last), 1, 1) = """" Then
tmpWord = Mid(strArr(last), 1, 1) & UCase(Mid(strArr(last), 2, 1)) & Mid(strArr(0), 3, Len(strArr(last)) - 2)
tmpWord = UCase(Mid(strArr(last), 1, 1)) & Mid(strArr(last), 2, Len(strArr(last)) - 1)
End If
strArr(last) = tmpWord
'Rebuild the whole string from the array parts.
For x = LBound(strArr) To UBound(strArr)
tmpString = tmpString & strArr(x) & " "
PCase = tmpString
End Function
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