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Last active August 15, 2023 17:45
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ES6 class with zero dependencies that determines the orientation of a JPEG file, front end or back end. Returns raw orientation, but can also give a CSS transform string to use for <img style="...">. Can also convert the file to a base64 string to use as the <img src="...">. Check out the demo file below for an example on how to use it.
* This is a short imaginary demo file to show how to use the OrientationFixer class
/* Import (or require) the class */
import OrientationFixer from 'OrientationFixer.mjs';
/* Get your file, usually from an <input type="file"> */
const file = new File(...);
/* Instantiate the orientation fixer */
const orientationFixer = new OrientationFixer();
/* Determine the image's orientation: a number between 1 and 8 */
const orientation = await orientationFixer.determineOrientation(file);
/* Resolve the image orientation (number) to a CSS transform value */
const orientationCss = orientationFixer.getCssTransformationByOrientationValue(orientation);
/* Set your image element style to fix the orientation */
const imageElement = new document.getElementById('yourImageElementId'); = orientationCss;
/* Extra: if you also want to get the image file to a data URL */
imageElement.src = orientationFixer.getBase64Image(file);
export default class OrientationFixer {
* @param {File} file
* @returns {Promise<int>}
async determineOrientation(file) {
const data = await this._readFileToArrayBuffer(file);
const dataView = new DataView(data);
return this._isJpegFile(data, dataView) ? (this._getOrientationValueFromJpegData(dataView) || 1) : 1;
* @param {File} file
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async getBase64Image(file) {
const data = await this._readFileToArrayBuffer(file);
return "data:" + file.type + ";base64," + window.btoa(String.fromCharCode(new Uint8Array(data)));
* @param {int} orientation
getCssTransformationByOrientationValue(orientation) {
const map = {
1: '',
2: 'rotateY(180deg)',
3: 'rotate(180deg)',
4: 'rotate(180deg) rotateY(180deg)',
5: 'rotate(270deg) rotateY(180deg)',
6: 'rotate(90deg)',
7: 'rotate(90deg) rotateY(180deg)',
8: 'rotate(270deg)'
if (map[orientation] !== undefined) {
return map[orientation];
} else {
console.error('Unknown orientation: ' + orientation + '.');
* @param {File} file
* @returns {Promise<ArrayBuffer>}
* @private
_readFileToArrayBuffer(file) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onloadend = progressEvent => {
try {
} catch (error) {
* @param {DataView} dataView
* @returns {number|undefined} A number between 1 and 8, or undefined if not found.
* In case of undefined, 1 (no rotation) should be assumed.
_getOrientationValueFromJpegData(dataView) {
const exifStartUInt16 = 0xFFE1;
const orientationTagUInt16 = 0x0112;
const intelFormatLittleEndianIndicator = 0x4949; /* ...and the motorola format is 0x4D4D */
const exifStartIndex = this._findUInt16InDataView(dataView, exifStartUInt16, {start: 2});
if (exifStartIndex !== undefined) {
const isLittleEndian = dataView.getUint16(exifStartIndex + 10) === intelFormatLittleEndianIndicator;
const exifEndIndex = (exifStartIndex + 2) + dataView.getUint16(exifStartIndex + 2, isLittleEndian);
const orientationTagIndex = this._findUInt16InDataView(dataView, orientationTagUInt16, {start: exifStartIndex + 12, end: exifEndIndex, isLittleEndian});
if (orientationTagIndex !== undefined) {
return dataView.getUint16(orientationTagIndex + 8, isLittleEndian);
return undefined;
* @param {ArrayBuffer} data
* @param {DataView} dataView
* @returns {boolean}
* @private
_isJpegFile(data, dataView) {
return (data.byteLength >= 2) && dataView.getUint16(0) === 0xFFD8;
* @param {DataView} dataView
* @param {number} search Two bytes. E.g. 0xFFE1
* @param {int} [start] Default: 0
* @param {int} [end] Default: search till the end of the data
* @param {boolean} [isLittleEndian] Default: false
* @returns {number|undefined} The byteIndex of "search" in the data, or undefined if not found.
_findUInt16InDataView(dataView, search, {start = 0, end = dataView.byteLength, isLittleEndian = false} = {}) {
let index = start;
while (index < end - 2) {
if (dataView.getUint16(index, isLittleEndian) === search) {
return index;
index += 2;
return undefined;
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