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Last active April 5, 2021 02:41
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  • Save vdelacou/884c1d905c4dbeb819c5c84d17126e5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vdelacou/884c1d905c4dbeb819c5c84d17126e5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Add tailwind CSS

Follow here:

npm install -D tailwindcss@npm:@tailwindcss/postcss7-compat @tailwindcss/postcss7-compat postcss@^7 autoprefixer@^9

npm install @craco/craco

npm uninstall react-scripts

npx json -I -f package.json -e 'this.scripts={...this.scripts , "start": "craco start" }'
npx json -I -f package.json -e 'this.scripts={...this.scripts , "build": "craco build" }'
npx json -I -f package.json -e 'this.scripts={...this.scripts , "test": "craco test" }'
curl -o craco.config.js
curl -o tailwind.config.js
curl -o jest.config.js
npx json -I -f tsconfig.json -e 'this.include=["src", "craco.config.js", "tailwind.config.js", "jest.config.js"] '

curl -o src/index.css

npm install @vtmn/css-utilities @vtmn/css-design-tokens @vtmn/icons typeface-roboto typeface-roboto-condensed

echo "import '@vtmn/css-design-tokens/dist/index.css';" | cat - src/index.tsx > temp && mv temp src/index.tsx echo "import '@vtmn/css-utilities/dist/index.css';" | cat - src/index.tsx > temp && mv temp src/index.tsx echo "import '@vtmn/icons/dist/vitamix/font/vitamix.css';" | cat - src/index.tsx > temp && mv temp src/index.tsx echo "import 'typeface-roboto';" | cat - src/index.tsx > temp && mv temp src/index.tsx echo "import 'typeface-roboto-condensed';" | cat - src/index.tsx > temp && mv temp src/index.tsx

/* eslint-disable */
module.exports = {
style: {
postcss: {
plugins: [
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
@layer base {
body {
@apply min-h-screen bg-grey-light-4;
/* eslint-disable */
const { createJestConfig } = require("@craco/craco");
const cracoConfig = require("./craco.config.js");
const jestConfig = createJestConfig(cracoConfig);
module.exports = jestConfig;
module.exports = {
purge: ['./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', './public/index.html'],
darkMode: false,
theme: {
fontFamily: {
sans: ['Roboto', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', 'sans-serif'],
serif: ['Roboto', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', 'sans-serif'],
mono: ['Roboto', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', 'sans-serif'],
extend: {
colors: {
brand: 'var(--vtmn-color_brand)',
'brand-pro': 'var(--vtmn-color_brand-pro)',
'brand-digital': {
'light-1': 'var(--vtmn-color_brand-digital-light-1)',
'light-2': 'var(--vtmn-color_brand-digital-light-2)',
'light-3': 'var(--vtmn-color_brand-digital-light-3)',
DEFAULT: 'var(--vtmn-color_brand-digital)',
'dark-1': 'var(--vtmn-color_brand-digital-dark-1)',
'dark-2': 'var(--vtmn-color_brand-digital-dark-2)',
green: {
'light-1': 'var(--vtmn-color_green-light-1)',
'light-2': 'var(--vtmn-color_green-light-2)',
'light-3': 'var(--vtmn-color_green-light-3)',
DEFAULT: 'var(--vtmn-color_green)',
'dark-1': 'var(--vtmn-color_green-dark-1)',
'dark-2': 'var(--vtmn-color_green-dark-2)',
white: 'var(--vtmn-color_white)',
grey: {
'light-1': 'var(--vtmn-color_grey-light-1)',
'light-2': 'var(--vtmn-color_grey-light-2)',
'light-3': 'var(--vtmn-color_grey-light-3)',
'light-4': 'var(--vtmn-color_grey-light-4)',
DEFAULT: 'var(--vtmn-color_grey)',
'dark-1': 'var(--vtmn-color_grey-dark-1)',
'dark-2': 'var(--vtmn-color_grey-dark-2)',
'dark-3': 'var(--vtmn-color_grey-dark-3)',
black: 'var(--vtmn-color_black)',
success: 'var(--vtmn-color_success)',
info: 'var(--vtmn-color_info)',
warning: 'var(--vtmn-color_warning)',
danger: 'var(--vtmn-color_danger)',
yellow: {
'light-1': 'var(--vtmn-color_yellow-light-1)',
'light-2': 'var(--vtmn-color_yellow-light-2)',
DEFAULT: 'var(--vtmn-color_yellow)',
orange: {
'light-1': 'var(--vtmn-color_orange-light-1)',
'light-2': 'var(--vtmn-color_orange-light-2)',
DEFAULT: 'var(--vtmn-color_orange)',
red: {
'light-1': 'var(--vtmn-color_red-light-1)',
'light-2': 'var(--vtmn-color_red-light-2)',
DEFAULT: 'var(--vtmn-color_red)',
fontFamily: {
normal: ['Roboto', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', 'sans-serif'],
condensed: ['Roboto Condensed', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', 'sans-serif'],
display: ['Roboto Condensed', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', 'sans-serif'],
body: ['Roboto', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', 'sans-serif'],
variants: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
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