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Created January 25, 2024 11:20
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package main
import (
v1 ""
corev1 ""
const (
defaultScriptPreamble = "#!/bin/sh\nset -e\n"
scriptsDir = "/tekton/scripts"
func main() {
if err := build(context.Background()); err != nil {
func build(ctx context.Context) error {
b, err := readTask("golang-build.yaml")
if err != nil {
return err
tr := &v1.TaskRun{
Spec: v1.TaskRunSpec{
Params: []v1.Param{{
Name: "packages",
Value: v1.ParamValue{StringVal: "."},
spec, err := applySubstitution(ctx, tr, &b.Spec, b.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
client, err := dagger.Connect(ctx, dagger.WithLogOutput(os.Stderr))
if err != nil {
return err
defer client.Close()
project := client.Git("").Branch("main").Tree()
client = client.Pipeline("golang-build")
outputs := client.Directory()
workspaces := []myWorkspaces{}
for _, workspace := range spec.Workspaces {
workspaces = append(workspaces, myWorkspaces{name: workspace.Name, daggerDirectory: client.Directory(), mountPath: workspace.MountPath})
for _, step := range spec.Steps {
tc := client.Container().
WithWorkdir("/workspace/source") // FIXME: support variable interpolation and stuff
if step.Script != "" {
script := step.Script
filename := names.SimpleNameGenerator.RestrictLengthWithRandomSuffix(step.Name)
cleaned := strings.TrimSpace(script)
hasShebang := strings.HasPrefix(cleaned, "#!")
if !hasShebang {
script = defaultScriptPreamble + script
scriptFile := filepath.Join(scriptsDir, filename)
tc = tc.WithNewFile(scriptFile, dagger.ContainerWithNewFileOpts{Contents: script, Permissions: 0755}).
} else {
commands := append(step.Command, step.Args...)
tc = tc.WithExec(commands)
// TODO: Support : step.Workspaces
for _, workspace := range workspaces {
// FIXME support dynamic plugin....
fmt.Println("workspace", workspace)
if == "source" {
tc = tc.WithDirectory("/workspace/source", project)
} else {
mountPath := workspace.mountPath
if mountPath == "" {
mountPath = "/workspace/" +
tc = tc.WithDirectory(mountPath, workspace.daggerDirectory)
outputs = outputs.WithDirectory("/workspace/source", tc.Directory("/workspace/source"))
ok, err := outputs.Export(ctx, "foo")
if err != nil {
return err
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Not OK")
return nil
func readTask(path string) (v1.Task, error) {
var b v1.Task
data, err := os.ReadFile("golang-build.yaml")
if err != nil {
return b, err
if err := readKubernetesYAML(data, &b); err != nil {
return b, err
return b, nil
func readKubernetesYAML(data []byte, i runtime.Object) error {
if _, _, err := scheme.Codecs.UniversalDeserializer().Decode(data, nil, i); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("mustParseYAML (%s): %w", string(data), err)
return nil
func applySubstitution(ctx context.Context, tr *v1.TaskRun, ts *v1.TaskSpec, taskName string) (v1.TaskSpec, error) {
var defaults []v1.ParamSpec
if len(ts.Params) > 0 {
defaults = append(defaults, ts.Params...)
// Apply parameter substitution from the taskrun.
ts = resources.ApplyParameters(ctx, ts, tr, defaults...)
// Apply context substitution from the taskrun
ts = resources.ApplyContexts(ts, taskName, tr)
// TODO(vdemeester) support PipelineResource ?
// Apply bound resource substitution from the taskrun.
// ts = resources.ApplyResources(ts, inputResources, "inputs")
// ts = resources.ApplyResources(ts, outputResources, "outputs")
// Apply workspace resource substitution
workspaceVolumes := map[string]corev1.Volume{}
for _, v := range tr.Spec.Workspaces {
workspaceVolumes[v.Name] = corev1.Volume{Name: v.Name}
ts = resources.ApplyWorkspaces(ctx, ts, ts.Workspaces, tr.Spec.Workspaces, workspaceVolumes)
// Apply task result substitution
ts = resources.ApplyTaskResults(ts)
// Apply step exitCode path substitution
ts = resources.ApplyStepExitCodePath(ts)
if err := ts.Validate(ctx); err != nil {
return *ts, err
return *ts, nil
type myWorkspaces struct {
daggerDirectory *dagger.Directory
name string
mountPath string
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