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Last active May 24, 2024 19:29
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Retrieve Intel CPU Core Counts (P+E) from Intel ARK website and generate affinity masks and decimal values for setting process CPU affinity
# Retrieve-IntelCPUCoreAffinityInfo.ps1, 20240524 VdP
# This script queries Intel ARK website for processor information,
# then uses retrieved Performance & Efficiency Core counts to calculate some common affinity masks and decimal values:
# Only Perf Cores
# Only Perf Cores (without hyperthreading)
# Only Efficiency Cores
# These values can then be used to limit a process to use only particular CPU cores (set CPU affinity)
If (-not (Get-Module -ErrorAction Ignore -ListAvailable PowerHTML)) { Install-Module PowerHTML -Force }
$ProcessorSearchString = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor | Select -ExpandProperty Name) -Replace ' CPU @.*' -Replace '.* ' #'.* (i[0-9]\-)?'
#$ProcessorSearchString = '12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1255U' -Replace '.* ' #'.* (i[0-9]\-)?'
#$ProcessorSearchString = 'i9-13900'
#$ProcessorSearchString = '13900K'
#$Uri = '$($ProcessorSearchString)&sort=relevancy&f:@tabfilter=[Products]&f:Products=[Processors]'
#$Uri = "$($ProcessorSearchString)"
$Uri = "$($ProcessorSearchString)"
$UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/"
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Write-Host -b black -f yellow "ProcessorSearchString: $ProcessorSearchString`nQuerying $Uri`n"
$wrSearch = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -Headers @{"accept"="text/html";"accept-language"="en-US,en";"referer"=$Uri} -UserAgent $UserAgent -UseBasicParsing
If ($wrSearch.InputFields | ? value -match '^/content/www/us/en/ark/products') {
$productPage = $wrSearch.InputFields | ? value -match '^/content/www/us/en/ark/products' | Select -ExpandProperty value
Write-Host -b black -f yellow "Exact product match found, using: $productPage"
} ElseIf ($wrSearch.Links | ? href -match '^/content/www/us/en/ark/products') {
Write-Host -b black -f yellow "Multiple product matches found:"
$wrSearch.Links | ? href -match '^/content/www/us/en/ark/products' | %{ Write-Host "`t$($_.href)" }
$productPage = $wrSearch.Links | ?{$_.href -match ($ProcessorSearchString -Replace '.* ' -Replace '\-')+'-'} | Select -ExpandProperty href
If (!$productPage) { $productPage = $wrSearch.Links | ? href -match '^/content/www/us/en/ark/products' | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty href }
Write-Host -b black -f yellow "Using $($productPage)"
} Else {
Write-Host -b black -f red "Could not find product match!"
Clear-Variable productPage -ea 0
If ($productPage) {
try {
If (Test-Path $env:tmp\$(Split-Path $productPage -Leaf)) {
Write-Host -b black -f yellow "Previously queried this CPU. Reading from file $($env:tmp)\$(Split-Path $productPage -Leaf)`n"
$wr = @{Content=Get-Content -Raw $env:tmp\$(Split-Path $productPage -Leaf)}
} Else {
$wr = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($Uri -Replace '(?<![:/])/.*')$productPage" -Headers @{"accept"="text/html";"accept-language"="en-US,en";"referer"=$Uri} -UserAgent $UserAgent -UseBasicParsing
$doc = ConvertFrom-Html $wr.Content
$ProductName = $doc.SelectNodes("/html/body//div[contains(@class,'product-family-title-text')]/h1").innerText.Trim()
$CoreCount = [int]$doc.SelectNodes("/html/body//span[@data-key='CoreCount']").innerText.Trim()
$PerfCores = [int]$doc.SelectNodes("/html/body//span[@data-key='PerfCoreCount']").innerText.Trim()
$EffCores = [int]$doc.SelectNodes("/html/body//span[@data-key='EffCoreCount']").innerText.Trim()
$ThreadCount = [int]$doc.SelectNodes("/html/body//span[@data-key='ThreadCount']").innerText.Trim()
If ($CoreCount -gt 0 -and -not (Test-Path $env:tmp\$(Split-Path $productPage -Leaf))) {
Write-Host -b black -f yellow "Looks like we successfully read out CoreCount. Saving product page for future re-use.`n"
$wr.Content | Out-File $env:tmp\$(Split-Path $productPage -Leaf)
If ($ThreadCount -gt $CoreCount) { $HyperThreading = $True }
If (($PerfCores*2+$EffCores) -eq $ThreadCount) { # We're expecting P-cores to provide HT (2 threads), while E-cores should only have 1 thread.
If ($HyperThreading) {
$OnlyPCoresAffinityMask = ((1..($PerfCores*2) | %{'1'}) -Join '').PadLeft($ThreadCount,'0')
$OnlyPCoresWithoutHTAffinityMask = ((1..$PerfCores | %{'01'}) -Join '').PadLeft($ThreadCount,'0')
$OnlyEffCoresAffinityMask = ((1..$PerfCores | %{'00'}) -Join '').PadLeft($ThreadCount,'1')
} Else {
$OnlyPCoresAffinityMask = ((1..$PerfCores | %{'1'}) -Join '').PadLeft($ThreadCount,'0')
$OnlyPCoresWithoutHTAffinityMask = $OnlyPCoresAffinityMask
$OnlyEffCoresAffinityMask = ((1..$PerfCores | %{'0'}) -Join '').PadLeft($ThreadCount,'1')
$OnlyPCoresAffinity = [Convert]::ToInt64($OnlyPCoresAffinityMask,2)
$OnlyPCoresWithoutHTAffinity = [Convert]::ToInt64($OnlyPCoresWithoutHTAffinityMask,2)
$OnlyEffCoresAffinity = [Convert]::ToInt64($OnlyEffCoresAffinityMask,2)
} Else { Write-Host -b black -f red "ERROR: Logic validation check failed. P-Cores*2 + EffCores doesn't equal ThreadCount." }
'OnlyPCoresAffinity','OnlyPCoresWithoutHTAffinity','OnlyEffCoresAffinity' | %{ Write-Host -b black -f yellow "$($_.PadLeft(32)): $(Get-Variable $_ | Select -ExpandProperty Value)" }
} catch { Write-Host "Error: $($Error[0])" }
} Else {
Write-Host -b black -f red "Did not find product page, can't continue."
# Get-Process WmiPrvSE | %{ $_.ProcessorAffinity = $OnlyEffCoresAffinityMask }
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