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Created April 11, 2022 16:45
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class-map basic web component
// #region [ function helpers ]
const ucFirst = (text) => {
if (!text) return text;
return `${text[0].toUpperCase()}${text.substring(1)}`
const getAttributeUpdatedMethodName = (name) => `attributeChanged${ucFirst(name)}`;
// #endregion
class ClassMapWebComponent extends HTMLElement {
static get defaultClasses() { return []; }
static get classMap() { return {}; }
static get possibleAttributeValues() { return {}; }
constructor() {
// #region [ WC lifecycle ]
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
if (!this.hasAttributeUpdatedMethod(name)) return;
const methodName = getAttributeUpdatedMethodName(name);
this[methodName](name, oldValue, newValue);
// #endregion
// #region [ style/attribute management ]
* Force an update of the element style with the current attribute values
updateStyle() {
this.constructor.observedAttributes.forEach((attributeName) => {
* Force an update of an attribute
updateAttribute(name) {
if (!this.hasAttributeUpdatedMethod(name)) return;
const methodName = getAttributeUpdatedMethodName(name);
const value = this.getAttribute(name);
this[methodName](name, undefined, value);
// #endregion
// #region [ Helpers ]
hasAttributeUpdatedMethod(name) {
const methodName = getAttributeUpdatedMethodName(name);
return methodName in this;
updateClassByAttributeClassMap(name, value) {
if (this.isValueAccepted(name, value)) {
return true;
return false;
isValueAccepted(attributeName, value) {
if (!value) return false;
value = value.trim();
return !!this.constructor.possibleAttributeValues[attributeName]?.includes(value);
// #endregion
.Stack {
--Stack-gap: var(--scale-16);
display: flex;
flex-flow: column;
gap: var(--Stack-gap);
/* Gap */
&.Stack--condensed {
--Stack-gap: var(--scale-16);
@media ($query-whenNotMobile) {
&.Stack--spacious {
--Stack-gap: var(--scale-24);
/* Direction */
&.Stack--inline {
flex-flow: row;
&.Stack--block {
flex-flow: column;
/* Wrap */
&.Stack--wrap {
flex-wrap: wrap;
// #region [Definitions]
const attributeList = Object.freeze(['direction', 'gap', 'wrap']);
const possibleAttributeValues = Object.freeze({
gap: ['normal', 'condensed', 'spacious'],
direction: ['inline', 'block'],
wrap: ['wrap', 'nowrap'],
//classes and styles
const stackClassName = 'Stack';
const defaultClasses = Object.freeze(['Stack', 'Stack--normal', 'Stack--block']);
const classMap = (() => {
const classMap = {}; =
.reduce((map, value) => {
map[value] = `${stackClassName}--${value}`
return map;
}, {});
classMap.direction = possibleAttributeValues.direction
.reduce((map, value) => {
map[value] = `${stackClassName}--${value}`
return map;
}, {});
classMap.wrap = possibleAttributeValues.wrap
.reduce((map, value) => {
map[value] = `${stackClassName}--${value}`
return map;
}, {});
return Object.freeze(classMap);
const customPropertyMap = Object.freeze({
gap: `--${stackClassName}-gap`
// #endregion
class UiStack extends ClassMapWebComponent {
// #region [Definitions]
static get observedAttributes() {
return attributeList;
static get possibleAttributeValues() {
return possibleAttributeValues;
static get defaultClasses() {
return defaultClasses;
static get classMap() {
return classMap;
static get customPropertyMap() {
return customPropertyMap;
// #endregion
constructor() {
// #region [ WC lifecycle ]
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
super.attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue);
// #endregion
// #region [ attribute updates ]
attributeChangedGap(name, _, newValue) {
const customProperty = UiStack.customPropertyMap[name];
if (customProperty) {;
const wasUpdated = this.updateClassByAttributeClassMap(name, newValue);
if (wasUpdated) return;
if (!newValue || !newValue.trim()) return;, newValue);
attributeChangedDirection(name, _, newValue) {
this.updateClassByAttributeClassMap(name, newValue);
attributeChangedWrap(name, _, newValue) {
if (typeof newValue === 'string' && (!newValue || !newValue.trim())) newValue = 'wrap';
this.updateClassByAttributeClassMap(name, newValue);
// #endregion
// enabling custom element as a DOM interface
customElements.define('ui-stack', UiStack);
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