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Created June 1, 2020 05:17
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Basic typings for `@sentry/cli`
declare module '@sentry/cli' {
interface UploadSourceMapsOptions {
include: string[]
ignore?: string[]
ignoreFile?: string
rewrite?: boolean
sourceMapReference?: boolean
stripPrefix?: string[]
stripCommonPrefix?: boolean
validate?: boolean
urlPrefix?: string
urlSuffix?: string
ext?: string[]
* Manages releases and release artifacts on Sentry.
* @namespace SentryReleases
class Releases {
* Creates a new `Releases` instance.
* @param options More options to pass to the CLI
options?: {
configFile?: string;
silent?: boolean;
* Registers a new release with sentry.
* The given release name should be unique and deterministic. It can later be used to
* upload artifacts, such as source maps.
* @param release Unique name of the new release.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the release has been created.
* @memberof SentryReleases
new(release: string): Promise<string | undefined>;
* Specifies the set of commits covered in this release.
* @param release Unique name of the release
* @param options A set of options to configure the commits to include
* @param options.repo The full repo name as defined in Sentry
* @param Automatically choose the associated commit (uses
* the current commit). Overrides other options.
* @param options.commit The current (last) commit in the release.
* @param options.previousCommit The commit before the beginning of this
* release (in other words, the last commit of the previous release). If omitted,
* this will default to the last commit of the previous release in Sentry. If there
* was no previous release, the last 10 commits will be used.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the commits have been associated
* @memberof SentryReleases
release: string,
options: {
auto?: false;
repo: string;
commit: string;
previousCommit?: string;
} | {
auto: true;
}): Promise<string | undefined>;
* Marks this release as complete. This should be called once all artifacts has been
* uploaded.
* @param release Unique name of the release.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the release has been finalized.
* @memberof SentryReleases
finalize(release: string): Promise<string | undefined>;
* Creates a unique, deterministic version identifier based on the project type and
* source files. This identifier can be used as release name.
* @returns A promise that resolves to the version string.
* @memberof SentryReleases
proposeVersion(): Promise<string>;
* Scans the given include folders for JavaScript source maps and uploads them to the
* specified release for processing.
* The options require an `include` array, which is a list of directories to scan.
* Additionally, it supports to ignore certain files, validate and preprocess source
* maps and define a URL prefix.
* @example
* await cli.releases.uploadSourceMaps(cli.releases.proposeVersion(), {
* // required options:
* include: ['build'],
* // default options:
* ignore: ['node_modules'], // globs for files to ignore
* ignoreFile: null, // path to a file with ignore rules
* rewrite: false, // preprocess sourcemaps before uploading
* sourceMapReference: true, // add a source map reference to source files
* stripPrefix: [], // remove certain prefixes from filenames
* stripCommonPrefix: false, // guess common prefixes to remove from filenames
* validate: false, // validate source maps and cancel the upload on error
* urlPrefix: '', // add a prefix source map urls after stripping them
* urlSuffix: '', // add a suffix source map urls after stripping them
* ext: ['js', 'map', 'jsbundle', 'bundle'], // override file extensions to scan for
* });
* @param release Unique name of the release.
* @param options Options to configure the source map upload.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the upload has completed successfully.
* @memberof SentryReleases
release: string,
options: UploadSourceMapsOptions
): Promise<Array<string | undefined>>;
* List all deploys for a given release.
* @param release Unique name of the release.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the list comes back from the server.
* @memberof SentryReleases
listDeploys(release: string): Promise<string | undefined>;
* Creates a new release deployment. This should be called after the release has been
* finalized, while deploying on a given environment.
* @example
* await cli.releases.newDeploy(cli.releases.proposeVersion(), {
* // required options:
* env: 'production', // environment for this release. Values that make sense here would be 'production' or 'staging'
* // optional options:
* started: 42, // unix timestamp when the deployment started
* finished: 1337, // unix timestamp when the deployment finished
* time: 1295, // deployment duration in seconds. This can be specified alternatively to `started` and `finished`
* name: 'PickleRick', // human readable name for this deployment
* url: '', // URL that points to the deployment
* });
* @param release Unique name of the release.
* @param options Options to configure the new release deploy.
* @returns A promise that resolves when the deploy has been created.
* @memberof SentryReleases
newDeploy(release: string, options?: object): Promise<string | undefined>;
* See {helper.execute} docs.
* @param args Command line arguments passed to `sentry-cli`.
* @param live We inherit stdio to display `sentry-cli` output directly.
* @returns A promise that resolves to the standard output.
execute(args: string[], live?: boolean): Promise<string>;
* Interface to and wrapper around the `sentry-cli` executable.
* Commands are grouped into namespaces. See the respective namespaces for more
* documentation. To use this wrapper, simply create an instance and call methods:
* @example
* const cli = new SentryCli();
* console.log(cli.getVersion());
* @example
* const cli = new SentryCli('path/to/custom/');
* console.log(cli.getVersion());
export default class SentryCli {
* Creates a new `SentryCli` instance.
* If the `configFile` parameter is specified, configuration located in the default
* location and the value specified in the `SENTRY_PROPERTIES` environment variable is
* overridden.
* @param configFile Relative or absolute path to the configuration file.
* @param options More options to pass to the CLI
constructor(configFile?: string, options?: Record<string, any>);
* @returns the version of the installed `sentry-cli` binary.
static getVersion(): string;
* @returns an absolute path to the `sentry-cli` binary.
static getPath(): string;
releases: Releases;
* See {helper.execute} docs.
* @param args Command line arguments passed to `sentry-cli`.
* @param live We inherit stdio to display `sentry-cli` output directly.
* @returns A promise that resolves to the standard output.
execute(args: string[], live?: boolean): Promise<string>;
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