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Created April 10, 2020 06:32
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# Note that this is very bad 'weekend project'
# Python and is not at all representative
# of how things should be programmed in any
# serious environment.
# This is snake on an ESP8266 with this
# I2C oled (I got it from here
# and an analog joystick (mine is from here
# Because the ESP8266 only has one analog
# input data pin and I did not implement
# a clock timer to sample from two inputs
# the joystick can only do 'left' and 'up'
# as 'on' and 'off' inputs. For snake this
# is enough to send the snake left and right.
import urandom
import sys
from ucollections import OrderedDict
from machine import Pin, I2C, PWM, sleep
if == 'micropython':
import ssd1306
import adafruit_ssd1306 as ssd1306
# ESP8266 Pin assignment
i2c = I2C(-1, scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4))
joy1 = Pin(12, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
joy2 = Pin(13, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
joy3 = Pin(15, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
oled_width = 128
oled_height = 64
oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(oled_width, oled_height, i2c)
mice = dict()
mousecount = 0
score = 0
mouse_amount = 4
def randint(min, max):
span = max - min + 1
div = 0x3fffffff // span
offset = urandom.getrandbits(30) // div
val = min + offset
return val
def read_joystick():
data = {
'joy_click': not joy1.value(),
'joy_left': joy3.value(),
'joy_up': not joy2.value()
return data
def beep(beeplen):
beeper = PWM(Pin(14), freq=440, duty=512)
def draw(y, x):
oled.pixel(x, y, 1)
def game_over():
global score
oled.text('Game Over', 0, 20)
oled.text('Click 4 new game', 0, 40)
score = 0
def update_score(score):
for x in range(30):
for y in range(10):
oled.pixel(x, y, 0)
oled.text("{}".format(score), 0, 0)
def draw_mouse(x, y, mousenr, size=4):
global mice
global mousecount
draw_y = y
for i_y in range(size):
draw_x = x
for i_x in range(size):
mouse_x, mouse_y = draw_x + i_x, draw_y + i_y
oled.pixel(mouse_x, mouse_y, 1)
mice[(mouse_x, mouse_y)] = mousenr
mousecount += 1
def generate_mice(amount=3):
global mice
global score
offset = max(mice.values()) if mice else 0
for mousenr in range(1, amount):
if score < 100:
max_size = 4
elif score < 250:
max_size = 6
elif score < 1000:
max_size = 8
elif score < 2000:
max_size = 10
max_size = 12
size = randint(4, max_size)
x_rand = randint(size, oled_width - size)
y_rand = randint(size, oled_height - size)
draw_mouse(x_rand, y_rand, offset + mousenr, size=size)
def start_game():
global mice
global mousecount
global score
global mouse_amount
grid = OrderedDict()
snakelen = 15
y = 32
x = 64
direction = 0
prevscore = -1
prevdata = read_joystick()
while True:
generate_mice(mouse_amount - mousecount)
# snake hit itself
if grid.get((x, y)):
# hit mouse
mouse_nr = mice.get((x, y))
if mouse_nr:
mouse_blocks = []
for mousexy, mousenr in mice.items():
if mousenr == mouse_nr:
for mousexy in mouse_blocks:
del mice[mousexy]
mouse_x, mouse_y = mousexy
oled.pixel(mouse_x, mouse_y, 0)
score += 1
mouse_amount = randint(3, 5)
mousecount -= 1
snakelen += 5
grid[(x, y)] = 1
while len(grid) > snakelen:
snaketail_k, snaketail_v = list(grid.items())[0]
snaketail_x, snaketail_y = snaketail_k
oled.pixel(snaketail_x, snaketail_y, 0)
del grid[(snaketail_x, snaketail_y)]
draw(y, x)
data = read_joystick()
if data['joy_up'] and not prevdata['joy_up']:
direction += 1
if data['joy_left'] and not prevdata['joy_left']:
direction -= 1
if x > 127:
x = 1
if y > 63:
y = 1
if x < 1:
x = 127
if y < 1:
y = 63
if direction >= 4:
direction = 0
if direction < 0:
direction = 3
if direction == 0:
x += 1
if direction == 1:
y += 1
if direction == 2:
x -= 1
if direction == 3:
y -= 1
if score != prevscore:
prevdata = data
prevscore = score
while True:
while True:
data = read_joystick()
if data['joy_click']:
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