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Vishal Parikh vdparikh

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vdparikh / GPT4all-langchain-demo.ipynb
Created May 8, 2023 17:13 — forked from psychemedia/GPT4all-langchain-demo.ipynb
Example of running GPT4all local LLM via langchain in a Jupyter notebook (Python)
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vdparikh / enum.go
Created March 10, 2019 19:37 — forked from lummie/enum.go
Golang Enum pattern that can be serialized to json
package enum_example
import (
// TaskState represents the state of task, moving through Created, Running then Finished or Errorred
type TaskState int
vdparikh / groupcache.go
Created November 7, 2016 18:45 — forked from fiorix/groupcache.go
Simple groupcache example
// Simple groupcache example:
// Running 3 instances:
// go run groupcache.go -addr=:8080 -pool=,,
// go run groupcache.go -addr=:8081 -pool=,,
// go run groupcache.go -addr=:8082 -pool=,,
// Testing:
// curl localhost:8080/color?name=red
package main
import (