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Last active October 6, 2023 13:01
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Mutagen - a mini templating engine based on htmx and Mutation Observer
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/mutagen.js"></script>
<mg-component src="/profile.html" data='{ "user": { "name": "John Doe", "pictureUrl": "" } }' />
(() => {
if (window.mutagen) {
/** @type {Record<string, Set<HTMLElement>>} */
const components = {}; // TODO: Remove component from cache after removing it from DOM
function observe() {
new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
if (mutation.type !== 'childList') continue;
.filter((node) => node.tagName === 'MG-COMPONENT')
.forEach((component) => { = 'none'; // Hide component until render
const src = component.getAttribute('src');
if (!components[src]) {
components[src] = new Set();
}).observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true });
/** @returns {Node[]} */
function getAllChildNodes(/** @type {NodeList} */ childNodes) {
return [...childNodes].flatMap((childNode) => [
function loadTemplate(/** @type {string} */ src) {
let container = document.getElementById('mutagen-templates');
if (!container) {
container = document.createElement('div'); = 'mutagen-templates'; = 'none';
const template = document.createElement('div');
template.setAttribute('hx-get', src);
template.setAttribute('hx-trigger', 'load');
template.setAttribute('hx-on::after-settle', 'mutagen.render(this)');
function render(/** @type {HTMLElement} */ template) {
const src = template.getAttribute('hx-get');
if (!components[src]) return;
for (const component of components[src]) {
const data = parseData(component.getAttribute('data'));
let processedTemplate = template.innerHTML;
// Process {{text}}
let textMatch;
while (
(textMatch = /{{(\w+(?:\.\w+|\['\w+'\])*)}}/g.exec(processedTemplate))
) {
processedTemplate = processedTemplate.replaceAll(
get(data, textMatch[1])
// Process :attributes
let attributeMatch;
while (
(attributeMatch = /:(\w+)="(\w+(?:\.\w+|\['\w+'\])*)"/g.exec(
) {
processedTemplate = processedTemplate.replaceAll(
`${attributeMatch[1]}="${get(data, attributeMatch[2])}"`
component.innerHTML = processedTemplate; = 'contents'; // Show component after render - use `display: contents` to avoid the root element affecting styling
/** @returns {Record<string, any>} */
function parseData(/** @type {string} */ dataString) {
if (dataString) {
try {
return JSON.parse(dataString);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Invalid mg-component data:', dataString);
return {};
function get(/** Record<string, any> */ data, /** @type {string} */ path) {
const parts = path
.map((part) => part.replace(/^'|'$/g, ''));
let result = data;
let index = 0;
while (
index < parts.length &&
typeof result === 'object' &&
result != null
) {
result = result[parts[index]];
return result;
window.mutagen = { render };
<img :src="user.pictureUrl" />
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vdsabev commented Sep 9, 2023

Inspired by how works, I did some experimenting with writing a template engine using and the Mutation Observer API.

The end result is impractical for real-world use but still was fun to write.

Mutagen uses the Mutation Observer to watch for mg-component elements. The first time it sees a particular HTML file linked in src it uses hx-get to load it and stick it in a hidden container (see loadTemplate). However many times you include the same component, it will only make one request to the server to get the template.

I tried using the <template> tag but it turns out dynamically loading the contents with hx-get doesn't update the template's content or innerHTML - I think that's a browser limitation. So hidden <div> it was.

Then, after the DOM settles, I call the global mutagen.render function with the component element, find the relevant template, replace {{text}} and :attributes with values from the data, and insert that in the component's innerHTML. I also use display: contents on the component so the mg-component element doesn't affect styling if you're in a grid or flex container.

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gnat commented Sep 9, 2023

Really cool!

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