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Last active October 26, 2017 15:17
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An awesome list of awesome things


Animation & Interactivity

  • IntersectionObserver - get notified when element properties change, e.g. when an element becomes visible or invisible



  • Web components - encapsulate HTML / CSS / JS components and use them across the whole web


TODO: Chat

TODO: Notifications


  • Use contenteditable attribute and oninput event to make any HTML element's content editable


  • Device orientation
window.addEventListener('deviceorientationevent', (e) => console.log(e.alpha, e.beta, e.gamma))


  • Media session API - MediaMetadata
    • title, artist, album, artwork, etc.;
    • setActionHandler('play'), pause, etc.


  • When has autocomplete been used?
document.addEvenListener('input', (e) => {
  const el =':-webkit-autofill');
  if (el) {
    // Autocompleted!

Mixed Reality



  • Workbox to fine-tune service workers
  • WASM for performance-intensive cases like WebGL
  • Lighthouse - audit web pages via Chrome devtools, or use the headless CLI in CI
  • WebPageTest - test performance on real devices
  • If load time is critical, try Google AMP
  • Performance budgets
  • Get battery level & status
if ('getBattery' in navigator) {
  const battery = await navigator.getBattery();
  if (!battery.charging && battery.level < 0.2) {
    // Save some power by skipping some expensive operation
  • Detect memory size in GB - useful for low-end devices
if ('deviceMemory' in navigator) {
  if (navigator.deviceMemory < 1) {
    // Low end device, skip some expensive operation
  • Available device storage size
if ('storage' in navigator) {
  const videoSizeInBytes = 12345678;
  const { quota, usage } = await;
  if (quota - usage < videoSizeInBytes) {
    // Not enough storage space, skip preload
  • Provide users with a way to clear all data from your website
  • Connection
if ('connection' in navigator) {
  if (navigator.connection.type === 'cellular') {
    // Skip some network intensive operation
  • Pause video when page is hidden:
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', () => {
  if (document.visibilityState === 'hidden') {
  • Mute video when user scrolls down using IntersectionObserver




  • Puppeteer - headless Chrome


  • Detecting how much of a video has been buffered
<video id="video" preload="auto" src="video.mp4" controls></video>
  document.querySelector('#video').addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => {
    var bufferedSeconds = video.buffered.end(0) - video.buffered.start(0);
    console.log(`${bufferedSeconds} of video are ready to play!`);
  • Preload a video
<link rel="preload" as="video" href="">
<video id="video" controls></video>
  const video = document.querySelector('#video');
  video.src = ''; => {
    // If preloaded video is already cached, playback starts immediately
  • Preload a part of a video
<link rel="preload" as="video" href="">
<video id="video" controls></video>
  const mediaSource = new MediaSource();
  video.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource);
  mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceopen', async () => {
    const sourceBuffer = mediaSource.addSourceBuffer('video/webm; codecs=vp9');
    const response = await fetch('');
    const data = await response.arrayBuffer();
  • Detect orientation: if ('orientation' in screen) - request full screen when landscape, otherwise exit fullscreen




  • What is the main problem this product is solving?
  • Who are the people we are solving this problem for?
  • What is the emotion/feeling that we want our product to create or evoke?
  • Is this particular implementation aligned with the problem we're solving?
  • Is this the product/feature most likely to successfully solve that problem?


Goal: to answer the following questions:

  • Are these intentions still the correct ones?
  • Are my recent decisions in line with these intentions?


  • List the broader team or organization's top priorities.
  • Check that your personal priorities for the week still align with those priorities.
  • Check for any new information or data that requires a shift in priorities.
  • Check priorities against your time allocation, meetings and commitments that week.
  • Make any adjustments to your calendar to better reflect your priorities.
  • Note any priority adjustments that impact or need to be communicated to your team.

Postponing & Delegating

  • When something can wait: "I'm focused 100% on X this week, so if this isn't an urgent issue, let's re-evaluate next week."
  • When you need a little time: "I'm fully focused on X right now, so I can't meet about that this week. But if you send me an email, I will get back to you with an answer by Y."
  • When someone else can handle it: "This week, I need to focus all my time on X, but if you need an urgent answer, you can reach out to my team lead, Z, who is focused on that issue."
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