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Created December 1, 2015 10:39
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class P4D_Siblings extends WP_Widget
* Sets up the widgets name etc
public function __construct()
$widget_ops = array('classname' => 'p4d_siblings', 'description' => __('Use this widget to display a list of page siblings.'));
parent::__construct('p4d_siblings', __('P4D: Siblings', 'p4d'), $widget_ops);
* Outputs the content of the widget
* @param array $args
* @param array $instance
public function widget($args, $instance)
$options = wp_parse_args($instance, array(
'title' => ''
$title = apply_filters('widget_title', $options['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
echo $args['before_widget'];
<?php if(!empty($title)) : ?>
<?php echo $args['before_title'] . $title . $args['after_title'];?>
<?php endif; ?>
<ul class="p4d-sibling-list">
global $post;
wp_list_pages('child_of=' . $post->post_parent);
echo $args['after_widget'];
* Outputs the options form on admin
* @param array $instance The widget options
public function form($instance)
$instance = wp_parse_args($instance, array(
'title' => ''
$title = $instance['title'];
<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Title:', 'p4d' ); ?></label>
<input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'title' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'title' ); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $title ); ?>">
* Processing widget options on save
* @param array $new_instance The new options
* @param array $old_instance The previous options
public function update($new_instance, $old_instance)
$instance = array();
$instance['title'] = ( ! empty( $new_instance['title'] ) ) ? strip_tags( $new_instance['title'] ) : '';
$instance['amount'] = (int) $new_instance['amount'];
return $instance;
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