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This script searches binaries within VMware Carbon Black EDR
import argparse
import os
import configparser
import csv
import sys
from os.path import exists
import requests
#Console Output coloring. Makes knowing if you have any errors/ warnings easier to identify
err_Col = '\033[91m'
success_Col = '\033[92m'
warn_Col = '\033[93m'
no_col = '\033[0m'
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def credential_file():
credentials_response_locations = [
for p in credentials_response_locations:
location = ""
if exists(path=p):
location = p
return location
def config_reader(file_location):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
return config
def get_binaries(base_url, auth_token, query="*", rows="100000"):
binary_url = f"{base_url}/api/v1/binary?q={query}&rows={rows}"
headers = {
binaries = requests.get(binary_url, headers=headers)
if binaries.status_code == 200:
return binaries
sys.exit(err_Col + f"[!][!] We encountered a problem with the query to Carbon Black. The status code returned was {binaries.status_code}")
return None
def parse_results(results, base_url, subdomain):
results_dict = []
for binary in results.json()["results"]:
deets = dict()
dig_sig = ''
if "digsig_publisher" in binary:
dig_sig = binary['digsig_publisher']
observed_filename_list = ''
for observed in binary['observed_filename']:
observed_filename_list += observed.replace("\\\\", "\\") + "\n"
deets = {
except Exception as e:
sys.exit(err_Col + f"[!] We encountered an issue trying to parse out your results. This is the exception {e}." + no_col)
return results_dict
def write_csv(output, results):
header = ['shortname', 'md5', 'signature_status', 'company_name', 'observed_filename', 'count_observed_filename', 'original_filename', 'internal_name', 'file_desc', 'server_added_timestamp', 'digsig_publisher', 'os_type', 'host_count', 'is_executable_image', 'url']
with open(output, 'w', encoding='UTF8', newline='') as f:
writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=header)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Script to hunt through binaries of a single Carbon Black Response customer.")
parser.add_argument("--subdomain", "--d", type=str, required=False, help="Subdomain you would like to hunt through")
parser.add_argument("--config", "--c", type=str, required=False, help="location of .ini file with the credentials required.")
parser.add_argument("--output", "--o", required=False, help="Where do you want to store the CSV file of results?")
parser.add_argument("--query", "--q", required=False, help="Specify a specific query you'd like to search. By default it'll return everything.")
parser.add_argument("--rows", "--r", required=False, help="Specify the number of rows you'd like outputted. By default it'll return up to 100,000.")
parser.add_argument("--no-color", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument("--api", required=False, help="API Key for your Carbon Black Instance")
parser.add_argument("--url", required=False, help="URL for your Carbon Black Response server")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.no_color == True:
err_Col = no_col
success_Col = no_col
warn_Col = no_col
err_Col = '\033[91m'
success_Col = '\033[92m'
warn_Col = '\033[93m'
#display ascii art
print(err_Col + birb)
print(success_Col + binary_hunt_ascii + no_col)
cred_file = ""
api = ""
url = ""
if args.config:
cred_file = args.config
elif credential_file() != "":
cred_file = credential_file()
print(warn_Col + "[!] We couldn't find a credential .ini file in any standard location.")
if args.api:
api = args.api
api = input(warn_Col + "Please enter a valid API key: " + no_col)
if args.url:
url = args.url
url = input(warn_Col + "Please enter a valid URL for your CB server (no trailing /): " + no_col)
#checks to see if a subdomain was provided
if args.subdomain and cred_file:
subdomain = args.subdomain
elif cred_file:
subdomain = input(warn_Col + "[!] No subdomain provided. Please enter a subdomain that is included in your credential file: " + no_col)
subdomain = ""
#check if output location was given
if args.output:
output = args.output
output = os.getcwd() + "/binary_analysis.csv"
print(warn_Col + "[*] No output file provided. The output file will be in the current working directory and named binary_analysis.csv" + no_col)
if api and url:
base_url = url.rstrip()
auth_token = api.rstrip()
#check the config file to make sure it has the appropriate subdomain and format
config = config_reader(cred_file)
base_url = config[subdomain]['url']
auth_token = config[subdomain]['token']
except Exception as e:
sys.exit(err_Col + "[!][!] The subodmain you provided is not in the credentials.response file. Please add it.")
if args.query and args.rows:
binaries = get_binaries(base_url, auth_token, query=args.query, rows=args.rows)
elif args.query:
binaries = get_binaries(base_url, auth_token, query=args.query)
elif args.rows:
binaries = get_binaries(base_url, auth_token, rows=args.rows)
print(success_Col + "[*] Getting list of binaries from Carbon Black")
binaries = get_binaries(base_url, auth_token)
print(success_Col + f"[*] There were a total of {int(len(binaries.json()['results']))} results returned")
print(success_Col + f"[*] Parsing the results to {output}")
if binaries:
parsed_results = parse_results(binaries, base_url, subdomain)
write_csv(output, parsed_results)
sys.exit(err_Col + "We've encountered a problem.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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