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A Clojure simulation of the Passport Seva Kendra
(ns challenges.psk
"A Simulation of the Passport Seva Kendra"
(:require [clj-time.core :as ct]
[ :as ctl])
(:import [java.util.concurrent LinkedBlockingQueue PriorityBlockingQueue]))
(def working-hours? (atom false)) ; use this to control agents.
; Turning this off will
; shutdown agents.
(def stages
"The various stages in the PSK, and transition from one stage to the other.
- `processing-time-range` represents the amount of time spent at the
counter in this stage (in mins).
- `next` represents the next stage for the person.
- `counters` represent the number of counters/agents serving this stage."
;; Actual Values:
;; 4 Doc verification Counters
;; 33 counters for Biometrics
;; 12 for form checking
;; 10 for final checking
;; 3 for corrections
;; Using different values here so that the display board is
;; human-readable.
{::enter {:next ::doc-verification}
::doc-verification {:next ::biometrics
:counters 10
:display-str "0-"
:processing-time-range [1 2]}
::biometrics {:next ::form-check
:counters 3
:display-str "A-"
:processing-time-range [3 15]}
::form-check {:next ::final-check
:counters 2
:display-str "B-"
:processing-time-range [2 4]
:failure ::corrections}
::final-check {:next ::exit
:counters 1
:display-str "C-"
:processing-time-range [2 4]}
::corrections {:next ::form-check
:counters 1
:display-str "D-"
:processing-time-range [5 15]}})
(def waiting-room-capacity 500) ; max number of waiting people
(def total-capacity
"number of people that can be in the PSK at max"
(apply + waiting-room-capacity (keep :counters (vals stages))))
(def processing-batch-size
"no of people entering the center at one time."
;; Actual capacity: 25
(def new-batch-in-mins
"time between one batch and the next"
(def guide-people-to-next-stage-ms 500) ; every x millis, guide people
; to the next stage.
(def stage-status
"For the given stage, the map of possible states that a person can be
[;; Person is in the waiting area, looking at the display to see
;; when he's called to a counter.
;; Counter is assigned to the person
;; Person is done with the counter and heading to the next stage.
(def token-generator
"Give the next token number to the applicant."
(atom {:normal 0
:senior 0
:tatkal 0
:police-clearance 0}))
(defrecord Token [type val])
(def ^:private token-type-distribution
"Represents which % of population falls under which passport type.
This distribution is just my guess! :P"
{:normal 90
:senior 5
:tatkal 3
:police-clearance 2})
(defn- get-token-type-by-distribution
"Returns a random token type, skewed by weights defined above (in
;; The idea is to use numbers to represent distribution. We take
;; a distribution of:
;; {:normal 90
;; :senior 5
;; :tatkal 3
;; :police-clearance 2}
;; and say that a number
;; 1. from 1 to 90 represents normal,
;; 2. from 91 to 95 represents senior,
;; 3. from 96 to 98 represents tatkal and
;; 4. 99-100 represents police-clearance.
;; Then, we use the built in `rand-int` function to generate any
;; number between 1 and 100. We use the generated number to identify
;; the category.
(let [[total weighted-seq]
(reduce (fn [[n ws] m]
[(+ n (:dist m))
(conj ws
(assoc m :weight (+ n (:dist m))))])
[0 []]
(sort-by :dist
(map (fn [[k v]] {:type k :dist v})
w (rand-int total)]
(loop [elem (first weighted-seq)
ws (rest weighted-seq)]
(if (<= w (:weight elem))
(:type elem)
(recur (first ws) (rest ws))))))
;;; `enter-time` and `exit-time` are vanity metrics to
;;; calculate the amount of time the person spent in the PSK.
(defrecord Person
[token stage stage-status enter-time exit-time total-time psk-agent stage-history])
(let [token-type->char {:normal "N-"
:senior "S-"
:tatkal "T-"
:police-clearance "P-"}]
(defn- person-representation
"The visual representation of the applicant. eg: N-300, T-50 etc."
(let [token (:token person)]
(str (token-type->char (:type token)) (:val token)))))
(defrecord StageHistory
[name status change-time])
(defn create-person!
"Create a new person for the PSK. Token numbers are always
monotonically increasing. This function modifies the global atom
`token-generator` as a side-effect. This atom is used to generate
the next token number."
(let [person-type (get-token-type-by-distribution)
person-number (get (swap! token-generator
time-instant (ct/now)]
(Person. (Token. person-type person-number)
[(StageHistory. ::enter ::done time-instant)])))
(defn- get-processing-time-for-stage
"Given a `stage-config`, get the processing time range for the stage.
Calculate a random amount of time within this range. Note that we
treat mins as secs in this simulation."
(let [[min-time max-time] (:processing-time-range stage-config)]
(* 3000 (+ min-time (rand-int (- max-time min-time))))))
(defn- agent-representation
"The visual representation of the psk-agent. eg: A-300, B-50 etc."
(str (get-in psk-agent [:config :display-str]) (:id psk-agent)))
(defrecord PSKAgent
[id type config])
(defn- create-agents
"For the given `agent-type`, create the given `num` of agents."
[agent-type stage-config num]
(map (comp agent (fn [i] (PSKAgent. (inc i) agent-type stage-config)))
(range num)))
(defn create-kendra-agents
"Given the `stages` and their config for the kendra, create the
appropriate agents to work these counters."
(let [stages-with-counters (-> kendra-stages
;; Remove the stages where no counter
;; of agents is needed.
(disj ::enter ::exit))]
(mapcat (fn [s]
(let [config (get kendra-stages s)]
(create-agents s config (:counters config))))
(defn- store-stage-change
"For the given `Person` ref, store the change to their stage for later analysis."
([person new-stage new-status]
(store-stage-change person new-stage new-status (ct/now)))
([person new-stage new-status time-instant]
(let [stage-log (->StageHistory new-stage new-status time-instant)]
(alter person
(defn- call-person-to-counter
"Announce that person should come to the processing counter. Takes
`person` and `notice-board` refs, performs a transactional update."
[stage notice-board psk-agent person]
(alter person
:stage stage
:stage-status ::in-process
:psk-agent (agent-representation psk-agent))
(store-stage-change person stage ::in-process)
(alter notice-board
(person-representation @person)
(agent-representation psk-agent))))
(def unlucky-applicant?
"Introduce a little anarchy!"
(atom #{"N-3" "S-2"}))
(defn- process-person
"Do the work for processing the given person. Takes a `person`
object and not a ref."
[stage stage-config psk-agent person]
(let [processing-time* (get-processing-time-for-stage stage-config)
processing-time (if (@unlucky-applicant? (person-representation person))
;; You will need more time because the gods
;; are against you.
(* 10 processing-time*)
(ctl/debug (format "[Agent: %s] [Stage: %s] Doing %s ms of work for %s person"
(agent-representation psk-agent)
(person-representation person)))
(Thread/sleep processing-time)))
(defn- mark-processing-as-complete
"For this `person`, this `stage` is complete. Update accordingly.
Takes `person` and `notice-board` refs, performs a transactional
[stage notice-board psk-agent person]
(let [person-str (person-representation @person)]
(alter person assoc :stage stage :stage-status ::done :psk-agent nil)
(store-stage-change person stage ::done)
(alter notice-board dissoc person-str))
(ctl/debug "Processing Complete!"
(assoc psk-agent :current-applicant person-str))))
(defn process-applicant
"Get a person from the queue. Process this person as per the rules
of the counter."
[psk-agent my-queue notice-board]
(ctl/debug (format "[Agent: %s] Waiting for next person!"
(agent-representation psk-agent)))
(if @working-hours?
(if-let [person (.poll my-queue 1 java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit/SECONDS)]
(let [stage (:type psk-agent)
stage-config (:config psk-agent)]
(ctl/debug (format "[Agent: %s] We have a person: %s"
(agent-representation psk-agent)
(call-person-to-counter stage notice-board psk-agent person)
(process-person stage stage-config psk-agent @person)
(mark-processing-as-complete stage notice-board psk-agent person)
;; Next!
(ctl/debug "Repeating Agent")
(send-off *agent* process-applicant my-queue notice-board)
;; Set the new state of the agent.
(assoc psk-agent :last-processed (person-representation @person)))
(do (send-off *agent* process-applicant my-queue notice-board)
(ctl/info (format "[Agent: %s] Working hours are over! Closing Shop! Come back later!"
(agent-representation psk-agent)))))
(defn- book-keeping-for-applicants
"Remove all applicants who are completely done from
`active-applicants`. Store them in `done-applicants` for
*NOTE* : Since this goes through the entire collection, it is slow.
Hence we run it when sending in new batches of people."
[active-applicants done-applicants]
(ctl/debug "Removing completed applications for book-keeping!")
(let [[active-people done-people] (reduce (fn [[aa da] p]
(if (and (= (:stage @p) ::exit)
(= (:stage-status @p) ::done))
[aa (conj da p)]
[(conj aa p) da]))
[[] []]
(ref-set active-applicants active-people)
(alter done-applicants into done-people))))
(defn let-people-through
"Send people into the PSK in batches as defined by
`processing-batch-size` and `new-batch-in-mins`. Note that in our
code we use seconds to represent minutes."
[active-applicants done-applicants]
(loop []
(if @working-hours?
(if (> (count @active-applicants)
(- total-capacity processing-batch-size))
(do (ctl/info "[Entry] PSK at max capacity! We need to cancel this batch!")
(Thread/sleep (* 1000 new-batch-in-mins))
(let [new-people (->> create-person!
(repeatedly processing-batch-size)
(map ref))]
(alter active-applicants into new-people))
(ctl/debug (format "[Entry] %s new people entered into the PSK."
(count new-people)))
(book-keeping-for-applicants active-applicants done-applicants)
(Thread/sleep (* 1000 new-batch-in-mins))
(ctl/info "[Entry] Working hours are over! Closing Shop! Come back later!")))))
(defn- mark-applicant-process-as-complete
"Takes a `person` ref object and marks its processing as complete."
(let [time-instant (ct/now)]
(alter person
:stage ::exit
:exit-time time-instant
:total-time (-> @person
(ct/interval time-instant)
(store-stage-change person ::exit ::done time-instant)))
(ctl/debug (format "Dear %s, Thank you for visiting the Passport Seva Kendra! Your entire experience took: %s mins!"
(person-representation @person)
(:total-time @person))))
(defn- move-applicant-to-next-stage
"Given a `person` ref and the next stage they should go to, move
them to the stage. Does a transactional update."
[stage->queue next-stage person]
(ctl/debug (format "[Guide] %s from %s to %s"
(person-representation @person)
(:stage @person)
(alter person
:stage next-stage
:stage-status ::waiting)
(store-stage-change person next-stage ::waiting))
(.put (stage->queue next-stage) person))
(defn move-people-through
"Review all the active applicants and move them into appropriate stages."
[kendra-stages stage->queue active-applicants]
(loop []
(if @working-hours?
(let [people @active-applicants]
(doseq [person (->> people
(group-by (comp :stage-status deref))
(if (= ::exit (get-in kendra-stages [(:stage @person) :next]))
(mark-applicant-process-as-complete person)
(when-let [next-stage (get-in kendra-stages
[(:stage @person) :next])]
(move-applicant-to-next-stage stage->queue next-stage person))))
(Thread/sleep guide-people-to-next-stage-ms)
(ctl/info "[Guide] Working hours are over! Closing Shop! Come back later!")))))
(let [comp-score {:normal 1
:tatkal 2
:senior 3
:police-clearance 4}]
(defn- person-comparator
"A `comparator` function for comparing 2 `person` ref objects. This
allows us to use a `PriorityBlockingQueue` instead of a simple
[p1 p2]
(let [t1 (:token @p1)
t2 (:token @p2)]
(if (= (:type t1) (:type t2))
(< (:val t1) (:val t2))
(> (comp-score (:type t1))
(comp-score (:type t2)))))))
(defn- create-queue
"Create a queue for the kendra"
(create-queue :lbq q-capacity))
([q-type q-capacity]
(case q-type
:lbq (LinkedBlockingQueue. q-capacity)
;; ^ The PSK implementation is based on a
;; `LinkedBlockingQueue`. Using a `PriorityBlockingQueue`
;; gives a much better experience to the people who are in
;; the Kendra.
:pbq (PriorityBlockingQueue. q-capacity person-comparator))))
(defn create-kendra-queues
"Given the counter-types / `stages` in the kendra, create the
appropriate queues."
[kendra-stages q-capacity]
(let [queues-we-need (-> kendra-stages
;; Remove the stages where no queue of
;; people is needed.
(disj ::enter ::exit))]
(reduce (fn [m s]
(assoc m
s (create-queue :pbq q-capacity)))
(defn- show-applicant-info
"Helper function to print overall applicant information."
(let [people @applicants]
(reduce (fn [m [stage ps]]
(assoc m
stage (merge (reduce (fn [m [st p]] (assoc m st (count p)))
(group-by (comp :stage-status deref) ps))
{::total (count ps)})))
{:absolute-total (count people)}
(group-by (comp :stage deref)
(defn- get-processing-time-info
"Print interesting information about "
(let [header ["Total Processing Time (mins): "
"Total People Processed: "
"Avg Processing Time (mins): "
"Max Processing Time (mins): "
"Person who took the most time: "]
numbers (reduce (fn [[tot n avg max max-name] p]
[(+ tot (:total-time @p))
(inc n)
(int (/ (+ tot (:total-time @p)) (inc n)))
(if (> max (:total-time @p))
(:total-time @p))
(if (> max (:total-time @p))
(person-representation @p))])
[0 0 0 0 ""]
(interleave header numbers)))
(defn- show-processing-log
"Given an identifier for a person, show their progress so far."
[identifier applicants]
(when-let [person (first (filter (comp (partial = identifier)
(reduce (fn [[prev-time prev-log stream] {:keys [change-time] :as h}]
(->> change-time
(ct/interval prev-time)
(assoc (dissoc prev-log :change-time) :processing-time)
(conj stream))])
[(:enter-time @person)
(first (:stage-history @person))
(rest (:stage-history @person))))))
(defn start-the-kendra!
"Setup our Passport Seva Kendra."
(let [;; Create queues for the various stages, returns a map of
;; stage-name -> queue
stage->queue (create-kendra-queues stages total-capacity)
;; Create all the agents
list-of-agents (create-kendra-agents stages)
;; Create a display board for waiting members
notice-board (ref (sorted-map))
;; Track all the active applicants
active-applicants (ref [])
;; Track all the completed applicants (for debugging /
;; historical data purpose)
done-applicants (ref [])]
(ctl/info "[PSK] Welcome, today is a good day.")
;; For each agent at each counter, start processing!
(doseq [a list-of-agents]
;; Get the stage this agent is working at, and the queue of
;; people for that stage.
(let [s (:type @a)
q (stage->queue s)]
;; Start processing people from the queue concurrently in
;; independent threads.
(send-off a process-applicant q notice-board)))
;; Start a continuous future for applicants to periodically enter
;; the PSK.
(let-people-through active-applicants done-applicants)
;; Start a helper process to move people from one stage to the
;; other.
(move-people-through stages stage->queue active-applicants)
;; Return the data. We'll use this to monitor our system.
[notice-board active-applicants done-applicants]))
(reset! working-hours? true)
(def state (start-the-kendra!))
(clojure.pprint/pprint @(first state))
(def f
(future (loop []
(clojure.pprint/pprint "=========DISPLAY BOARD========")
(clojure.pprint/pprint @(first state))
(Thread/sleep 2000)
(future-cancel f)
(clojure.pprint/pprint (show-applicant-info (second state)))
(clojure.pprint/pprint (show-applicant-info (last state)))
(clojure.pprint/pprint (get-processing-time-info (last state)))
(clojure.pprint/pprint (show-processing-log "N-18" (last state)))
(reset! working-hours? false))
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