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Last active July 5, 2019 04:14
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  • Save vedantroy/1cf433a1acdfa3b64fceea1927f8a309 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vedantroy/1cf433a1acdfa3b64fceea1927f8a309 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script for setting up a basic windows environment. Utterly useless and made for amusement only.
Write-Host @"
This script installs the following programs:
- Scoop (Package manager for Windows)
- Scoop "extras bucket"
- 7zip (auto-installed by scoop)
- Git
- flux
- mpv
- qbittorrent
- vscode
# Installs scoop:
Invoke-Expression (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')
# Necessary for buckets in scoop
scoop install git
# Necessary for installing certain programs with scoop
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install mpv
scoop install flux
scoop install qbittorrent
scoop install vscode
# Remove some default installed apps
[string[]]$AppsToKeep = @(
:AppNameLoop foreach ($name in Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online | Select-Object PackageName) {
foreach($substring in $AppsToKeep) {
if($name -Match $substring) {
Write-Host "Keeping: " $name
continue AppNameLoop
Write-Host "Uninstalling: " $name
# Keep what is after the = sign in {PackageName=<package name>}
# Considering running Get-AppXProvisioned -Online | Select-Object PackageName in the terminal
# gives results that are just <package name>, I don't know why this extra @{} junk exists
$pkgNameFake = ([string]$name).split("=")[1]
# Trim off ending }
$pkgName = $pkgNameFake.Substring(0, $pkgNameFake.Length - 1)
Remove-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online -PackageName $pkgName
Write-Host "Reminder: If you want file associations with vscode then run the .reg file"
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