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Created June 8, 2020 10:56
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Dockerfile to create custom image for seabolt on AWS Lambda
FROM lambci/lambda-base:build
RUN yum makecache fast; yum clean all && yum -y update && yum -y upgrade; yum clean all && \
yum install -y yum-plugin-ovl; yum clean all && yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"; yum clean all
RUN yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ make pkgconfig wget
RUN openssl version -a
RUN wget
RUN tar zxvf seabolt-1.7.4-Linux-centos-7.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C /
RUN mkdir -p /opt/lib
RUN cp -r /usr/local/lib64/* /opt/lib
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