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Created December 10, 2016 05:38
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You _can_ write readable code and still get into top100 on Advent of code. :-)
import collections
test = '''\
value 5 goes to bot 2
bot 2 gives low to bot 1 and high to bot 0
value 3 goes to bot 1
bot 1 gives low to output 1 and high to bot 0
bot 0 gives low to output 2 and high to output 0
value 2 goes to bot 2
input = open('d10_input.txt').read()
def parse(instructions):
for instruction in instructions.splitlines():
first, *rest = instruction.split()
if first == 'value':
value, goes, to, bot, n = rest
yield first, int(value), int(n)
elif first == 'bot':
n, gives, low, to, what1, n1, and_, high, to, what2, n2 = rest
yield 'low', int(n), what1, int(n1)
yield 'high', int(n), what2, int(n2)
def prepare(instructions):
values, low, high = collections.defaultdict(list), {}, {}
for instruction_type, *rest in parse(instructions):
if instruction_type == 'value':
value, bot = rest
from_, *destination = rest
vars()[instruction_type][from_] = destination
return values, low, high
def execute(instructions):
values, low, high = prepare(instructions)
outputs = {}
def give(destination, value):
destination_type, destination_index = destination
if destination_type == 'bot':
elif destination_type == 'output':
outputs[destination_index] = value
assert False, 'cannot happen'
while True:
for bot, bot_values in values.items():
assert len(bot_values) <= 2, 'too many values'
if len(bot_values) == 2:
if set(bot_values) == {61, 17}:
low_value, high_value = sorted(bot_values)
give(low[bot], low_value)
give(high[bot], high_value)
else: break
assert not any(values for values in values.values())
return outputs
assert execute(test) == dict(enumerate([5, 2, 3]))
outputs = execute(input)
print(outputs[0] * outputs[1] * outputs[2])
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