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Created September 18, 2012 12:18
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Select2 directive
rialabs.directive('riaSelect', function(){ /* This direct will be used as an HTML attribute: ria-select="{}" */
/* */
return {
restrict: 'A', /* Limitates the use as an HTML attrbute */
require: 'ngModel', /* Requires the model to be used in this directive */
compile: function(tElement, tAttrs){ /* In the compile function, the <select> element is transformed by the plugin. */
var el = jQuery(tElement); /* tElement is a plain <select> */
el.select2(); /* Uses the plugin select2() */
return function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $model){ /* From within compile function, the link function is returned */
var ng = $scope; /* this is just a shortcut to avoid type $scope all the time */
el.select2(ng[$attrs.riaSelect] || {}); /* If a config object was passed, apply it. Otherwise, apply just an empty object */
el.on('change', function(){ /* Event listener for change on select2() */
ng.$apply(function() { /* Executes an anonymous function on $scope and triggers the notification process */
$model.$setViewValue(el.select2('val')); /* Applies the model value to select2() */
/* IMPORTANT: this is necessary because the plugin Select2() hides the base <select> and shows
* a new set o HTML tags in order to achieve its visual goal.
* So, if we change the model value, it will be applied to the
* hidden <select> and not to what you see.
ng.$watch($attrs.ngModel, function(newValue){ /* Watch for changes in the model */
el.select2('val', $model.$viewValue); /* Applies the model value to Select2 */
ng.$emit('model_changed'); /* Triggers an event that will be helpful if you want to do something specific in the controller. */
setTimeout(function () { /* Act as a call later function. This was the only way to get the initial values set on page loading. */
el.select2('val', $model.$viewValue); /* Applies the model value to Select2 */
/* This is the controller that manages the behaviour. Note that no DOM
* manipulation is being made here, just data manipulation. Based on this,
* the directive can set the appearance and values in the view, since it
* holds an instance of the controller.
.controller('Ctrl', function($scope){
var ng = $scope; = function(){
ng.load = function(){ = "Chicago";
ng.state = "Illinois";
ng.reset = function(){ = "";
ng.state = "";
var init = function(){
ng.states_config = {allowClear:true, placeholder:'Select a state'};
ng.states = [
{value: 'Illinois', name: 'Illinois'},
{value: 'Mississippi', name: 'Mississippi'},
{value: 'Arkansas', name: 'Arkansas'}
ng.cities_config = {allowClear:true, placeholder:'Select a city'};
ng.cities = [
{value: 'Brookhaven', name: 'Brookhaven'},
{value: 'Chicago', name: 'Chicago'},
{value: 'Fayetteville', name: 'Fayetteville'}
]; = "Fayetteville";
ng.state = "Arkansas";
ng.$on('model_changed', function(){
ng.result = JSON.stringify({city:, state: ng.state});
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