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Created September 18, 2012 12:49
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bootstrap inline form item
rialabs.directive('riaFormitem', function($compile){
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
compile: function(tElem, tAttrs){
return function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $model){
var ng = $scope;
ng.$watch($attrs.riaFormitem, function(newValue){
ng.config = newValue;
var template = '';
template += '<div class="control-group">';
template += '<label class="control-label" for="''">'+ng.config.label+'</label>';
template += '<div class="controls">';
template += '<input ng-model="'+$attrs.ngModel+'" type="'+ng.config.input_type+'" '+ng.config.required+' id="''" placeholder="'+ng.config.placeholder+'">';
template += '</div>';
template += '</div>';
} else {
$.error('Config object is mandatory!');
ng.$watch($attrs.ngModel, function(){
ng.$emit('model_changed', {person:'Mark',age:'37'});
.controller('CtrlForm', function($scope){
var ng = $scope;
ng.submit = function(){ = ''; = '';
ng.change = function(model, value){
ng[model] = value;
ng.result = function(){
ng.result = JSON.stringify({nome:, email:});
var init = function(){ /* Tudo o que é executado quando o script é carregado. */ = 'Mark Pilgrim'; = '';
ng.name_config = {
id: 'txtNome',
label: 'Your name',
input_type: 'text',
placeholder: 'full name please...',
required: 'required'
ng.email_config = {
id: 'txtEmail',
label: 'Your e-mail',
input_type: 'text',
placeholder: 'valid e-mail address...',
required: ''
ng.$on('model_changed', function(ev, args){
ng.result = JSON.stringify({name:, email:});
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