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Last active February 9, 2019 06:07
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JS Snippets
const pipe = (...fns) => (x) => fns.reduce((acc, f) => f(acc), x);
const res = pipe(
(i) => Object.assign(i, {'a': 'b'}),
(i) => Object.assign(i, {'c': 'd'}),
(i) => Object.assign(i, {'e': 'f'}),
// result: { a: 'b', c: 'd', e: 'f' }
const composeMixins = (...fns) => (
instance = {}, // start with {}
mixer = pipe
) => pipe(...fns)(instance);
const res2 = composeMixins(
(i) => Object.assign(i, {'a': 'b'}),
(i) => Object.assign(i, {'c': 'd'}),
(i) => Object.assign(i, {'e': 'f'}),
// result: { a: 'b', c: 'd', e: 'f' }
// ==================================== //
const _pipe = x => (...fns) => fns.reduce((acc, f) => f(acc), x);
// usage
_pipe(x)(f1, f2, f3); // x |> f1 |> f2 |> f3
const _compose = (...fns) => x => fns.reduceRight((acc, f) => f(acc), x);
// usage
const complexFunc = _compose(f1, f2, f3);
complexFunc(x); // f1 . f2 . f3 $ x
// define a higherOrder function
const higherOrder = () => {
let c = 0;
// a closure lives within this higherOrder function lexical scope / context
const closureFunc = () => {
c ++;
return c;
return closureFunc;
// here we initialize the entire scope itself
let inc = higherOrder();
// as long as inc lives, c = inc() will be called within this lexical scope,
// we executing closureFunc within the hiderOrder()'s lexical scope
let c = inc(); // results 1
// again, calling closureFunc within higherOrder() scope
// in this snapshot, calling c1 within inc()
let c1 = inc(); // results 2
// say we create another inc
// inc2 will be a separate scope from inc1,
// in this case c will evaluates to 0 again,
// we are initializing another higherOrder scope
let inc2 = higherOrder();
let c3 = inc2(); // results 1 again
let c4 = inc2(); // results 2
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
filter: {
field: '',
render: {
stuffs: initStuffsToRender();
this._timeout = null;
handleEdit = field => e => {
const newValue =;
if ( this._timeout ) { // if there is already a timeout in process cancel it
clearTimeout( this._timeout );
this._timeout = setTimeout(() => {
this._timeout = null;
this.setState( prevState => {
prevState.filter[field] = newValue;
prevState.render.stuffs = heavyFilter();
return prevState;
}, 1000 );
render() {
const stuffs = this.render.stuffs;
return (
// ... some logic to render stuffs
<Input onChange={this.handleEdit('field')} />
componentDidUpdate = ( prevProps, prevState ) => {
console.log( '=== updated' );
this.props && Object.entries( this.props ).forEach(( [key, val] ) =>
prevProps[key] !== val &&
console.log( `Prop '${key}' changed: ${JSON.stringify( prevProps[key] )} -> ${JSON.stringify( val )}` ));
this.state && Object.entries( this.state ).forEach(( [key, val] ) =>
prevState[key] !== val &&
console.log( `State '${key}' changed: ${JSON.stringify( prevState[key] )} -> ${JSON.stringify( val )}` ));
// explode dot-separated string: value into nested object
// as used in lodash _.set
// dotString = '', value = 'test'
const dotObject = (dotString, value) =>
(acc, cur) => ({ [cur]: acc }),
// Enhancer.js
import { transform } from 'magic';
export const Enhancer = WrappedComponent =>
class EnhancedComponent {
// ...
const transformedProps = transform(this.props);
render() {
return <WrappedComponent ...transformedProps />;
// ============== //
// HigherOrderComponent.js
import { Enhancer } from 'Enhancer.js';
class SomeComponent {
render() {
return <div />
export default Enhancer(SomeComponent);
// ============== //
// decorator python equivalent
function decoratorFunc(wrappedFunc) {
function wrapper(...args) {
// stuff
return wrappedFunc(...args);
return wrapper;
function myFunc(a, b) {
// stuff
// equivalent to
myfunc = decoratorFunc(myFunc);
// == pattern with arbitrary callback
// ...
performActions = () => {
const partitions = [];
const chunk = 10;
let partitionIndex = 0;
myArray.forEach(( t, i ) => {
if ( ! partitions[partitionIndex] ) {
partitions[partitionIndex] = [];
partitions[partitionIndex].push( t );
if (( i + 1 ) % chunk === 0 ) {
partitionIndex = partitionIndex + 1;
let batch = 1;
partitions[0].map( p => p.loading !== true
? this.props.mappedDispatch( p )
: null
if ( partitions.length > 1 ) {
const batchSubmit = setInterval( _ => {
partitions[batch].map( p => p.loading !== true
? this.props.mappedDispatch( p )
: null
batch ++;
if ( batch >= partitions.length ) {
clearInterval( batchSubmit );
}, 12000 );
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