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Last active August 15, 2018 21:02
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vim notes

Vim notes

Created after reading Learning the vi and vim editors seventh editor. O`Reilly, 2008


:wq, ZZ                             # Saves and exits
set wm=10                           # Wrapmargin
w, W(b, B)                          # Navigation on words
23G                                 # Go to line
                                    # Command format:
                                    #  (command)(number)(text obj)
                                    #       d2w
                                    #       y3w
s, S                                # Substitutes symbol or line
r, R                                # Replaces symbol or line
x, X                                # Deletes symbol before, after cursor

c, C                                # Replaces <object>, end of line
d, D                                # Deletes <object>, end of line
y, Y, yy                            # Yanks the line

~                                   # Inverts case
.                                   # Repeat last command

u, U                                # Undo, undo all changes on the curr line
C-R                                 # Redo

10aword                             # Multiple insert


C-F                                 # Scroll hole page forward
C-B                                 # Back

C-D                                 # Scroll half of the page forward
C-U                                 # Back

C-E                                 # Scroll one line forward
C-Y                                 # Back

z<Enter>                            # Moves current line to the top
z.                                  # Center
z-                                  # Bottom

H                                   # Moves cursor to the top
M                                   # Middle
L                                   # Bottom

Moving around the text

(                                   # move to the beginning of current sentence
)                                   # move to the beginning of next sentence
{                                   # move to the beginning of current paragraph
}                                   # move to the beginning of next paragraph
[[                                  # move to beginning of current section
]]                                  # move to beginning of next section


/, ?
f, F
;, ,

dfx, cfx
dtx, ctx
ct.                                 # Change the hole sentence


``                                  # Go back before 5G
''                                  # Go back before 5G to the begging of line

Change Delete Copy patterns

Change Delete Copy From cursor to...
cH dH yH Top of screen
cL dL yL Bottom of screen
c+ d+ y+ Next line
c5| d5| y5| Column 5 of current line
2c) 2d) 2y) Second sentence following
c{ d{ y{ Previous paragraph
c/prn d/prn y/prn Pattern
cn dn yn Next pattern
cG dG yG End of file
c13G d13G y13G Line number 13

Opening files

vi +n files                         # Opens file and puts cursor on line n
vi + file                           # Puts cursor on last line
vi +/prn                            # Puts cursor on pattern


"1p                                 # Restores from buffer #1
"1pu.u.u.u                          # Searches through this buffer
"Ayy                                # Append to buffer 'a'


'x                                  # Goes to begging of the line


50, 100s:old:new:gc                 # g - global, c - confirm
%s:old:new:g                        # % - entire file
g:pattern:s:old:new:g               # Replaces in lines with /pattern/
%s:[a-zA-Z]\+.:sentence:g           # With regular expression
%s:\(That\) or \(this\):\2 or \1    # Uses buffers
%s:File:&, here:g                   # & - use matched text
1,10s:.*:(&):g                      # Surrounds with brackets
%s:her:~:g                          # ~ - use same text from previous
s:\(That\) \(this\):\u\2 \l\1:g     # \u,\l - upper, lower case
s:\<child\>:children:g              # \<\> - matches a word

Advanced editing

set autoindent
C-T                                # New level of indentation (in insert mode)
C-D                                # One level of indentation back
>>                                 # Indent right (in normal mode)
<<                                 # Indent left
set shiftwidth = 2
tag mytag                          # Finds a tag
^]                                 # Goes to the tag under cursor

Multiple windows

C-Wk                               # Goes to window ...
C-Wt                               # Goes to top left window
C-Wb                               # Goes to right down window
C-Wp                               # Goes to previous (last accessed) window

C-Wr                               # Rotates two windows
C-Wx                               # Exchange windows
3C-Wx                              # Exchange current with 3rd one

C-WK                               # Moves curr window to the top 
C-WJ                               # Bottom
C-WH                               # Left
C-WL                               # Right
C-WT                               # Goes to next free tap

C-W=                               # Sets all windows to be equal
C-W-                               # Decreases window size
C-W+                               # Increases window size
C-W>                               # Decreases in vertical
C-W<                               # Increases in vertical
resize -10
vertical resize 5
C-W|                               # Re-sizes most widely

Features for programmers

zf                                 # Creates fold
zo                                 # Opens fold
zO                                 # Opens all folds
zc                                 # Closes fold
zd                                 # Deletes fold
zD                                 # Deletes all folds
:set foldcolumn=6
:set foldermethod=syntax           # Manual, indent, expr, syntax, diff, marker
:set foldenabled

C-X,C-F                            # File completion
C-X,C-L                            # Line completion
C-N                                # Moves to next completion
C-P                                # Moves to previous completion

Other cool stuff

:set binary                        # Enables binary mode
:digraphs                          # Shows all digraphs
C-K23                              # ⅔
20, 44Tohtml                       # Converts to html file

vimdiff file1 file2
vim -dO file1 file2
[c                                 # Goes to previous difference
]c                                 # Next
do                                 # Gets changes from other window to curr
dp                                 # Puts changes from curr to other

:mksession mysession.vim           # Saves a session
:source mysession.vim              # Loads a session
:set sessionoptions=               # Adds some options to be saved in session
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