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Forked from jzakiya/twinprimes_ssoz.d
Created November 8, 2018 10:57
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Twinprimes generator, multi-threaded, using SSoZ (Segmented Sieve of Zakiya), written in D
* Find the Twin Primes <= N using the Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ)
* This is a D port of the Nim program twinprimes_ssoz.nim:
* This D source file, and subsequent modifications, can be found here:
* To compile with ldc2: $ ldc2 --release -O3 twinprimes_ssoz.d
* Then run executable: $ ./twinprimes_ssoz <cr>, and enter value for N.
* Or alternatively: $ echo <number> | ./twinprimes_ssoz
* As coded, input values cover the range: 13 -- 2^64 - 1
* Related code, papers, and tutorials, are available here:
* Originally coded by Vijay Nayar, modifed by Jabari Zakiya and
* Bastiaan Veelo.
* Version Date: 2018/11/8
module twinprimes_ssoz;
import std.algorithm : maxElement, min;
import std.datetime.stopwatch : StopWatch;
import std.math : sqrt;
import std.parallelism : parallel, totalCPUs;
import std.range : iota;
import std.stdio : readf, write, writeln;
/// Compute modular inverse a^-1 of a to base b, e.g. a*(a^-1) mod b = 1.
int modInv(int a0, int b0) pure @nogc
import std.algorithm : swap;
int a = a0;
int b = b0;
int x0 = 0;
int result = 1;
if (b == 1) {return result;}
while (a > 1) {
immutable q = a / b;
a = a % b;
swap(a, b);
result -= q * x0;
swap(x0, result);
if (result < 0) {result += b0;}
return result;
/// Prime Generator Parameters
struct PgParameters {
uint modulus;
uint[] residues;
uint[] residueTwinPairs;
uint[] residueInverses;
/// Creates constant parameters for given PrimeGenerator at compile time.
PgParameters genPgParameters(int prime) pure
static immutable primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23];
// Compute PG's modulus.
uint modulusPg()
uint result = 1;
foreach (prm; primes) { result *= prm; if (prm == prime) break; }
return result;
immutable uint modpg = modulusPg;
import std.algorithm : sort;
import std.numeric : gcd;
import std.array: appender;
// Preallocate memory.
auto residues = appender!(uint[]);
auto restwins = appender!(uint[]);
switch (prime) {
case 2: .. case 5:
case 7:
case 11:
case 13:
case 17:
// Generate PG's residue values.
uint pc = 5;
uint inc = 2;
while (pc < modpg / 2) {
if (gcd(modpg, pc) == 1) {residues ~= pc; residues ~= modpg - pc;}
pc += inc;
inc = inc ^ 0b110;
residues ~= modpg - 1;
residues ~= modpg + 1;
// Extract upper twinpair residues here.
uint j = 0;
while (j < - 1) {
if ([j] + 2 ==[j + 1]) restwins ~=[++j];
// Create PG's residues inverses here.
uint[] inverses = new uint[];
foreach (i, res; {inverses[i] = modInv(res, modpg);}
return PgParameters(modpg,,, inverses);
// Generate at compile time the parameters for PGs.
enum parametersp5 = genPgParameters(5);
pragma(msg, "prime 5 has modulus ",
parametersp5.modulus, ", ",
parametersp5.residues.length, " residues and ",
parametersp5.residueTwinPairs.length, " twin pairs.");
enum parametersp7 = genPgParameters(7);
pragma(msg, "prime 7 has modulus ",
parametersp5.modulus, ", ",
parametersp5.residues.length, " residues and ",
parametersp5.residueTwinPairs.length, " twin pairs.");
enum parametersp11 = genPgParameters(11);
pragma(msg, "prime 11 has modulus ",
parametersp11.modulus, ", ",
parametersp11.residues.length, " residues and ",
parametersp11.residueTwinPairs.length, " twin pairs.");
enum parametersp13 = genPgParameters(13);
pragma(msg, "prime 13 has modulus ",
parametersp13.modulus, ", ",
parametersp13.residues.length, " residues and ",
parametersp13.residueTwinPairs.length, " twin pairs.");
enum parametersp17 = genPgParameters(17);
pragma(msg, "prime 17 has modulus ",
parametersp17.modulus, ", ",
parametersp17.residues.length, " residues and ",
parametersp17.residueTwinPairs.length, " twin pairs.");
// Global parameters
shared uint pcnt; // Number of primes from r1..sqrt(N)
shared ulong num; // Adjusted (odd) input value
shared ulong twinscnt; // Number of twinprimes <= N
shared ulong[] primes; // List of primes r1..sqrt(N)
shared uint kb = 0; // Segment size for each seg restrack
shared uint[] cnts; // Hold twinprime counts for seg bytes
shared ulong[] lastwins; // Holds last twin <= num in each thread
shared uint[] pos; // Convert residue val to its residues index val
// faster than `residues.find(residue)
shared PgParameters pgParameters;
shared uint modpg; // PG's modulus value
shared uint rescnt; // PG's residues count
shared uint pairscnt; // PG's twinpairs count
shared uint[] residues; // PS's list of residues
shared uint[] restwins; // PG's list of twinpair residues
shared uint[] resinvrs; // PG's list of residues inverses
shared uint bn; // Segment size factor for PG and input number
* Select at runtime best PG and segment size factor to use for input value.
* These are good estimates derived from PG data profiling. Can be improved.
void selectPg(ulong num) {
if (num < 10_000_000) {
pgParameters = parametersp5;
bn = 16;
} else if (num < 1_100_000_000) {
pgParameters = parametersp7;
bn = 32;
} else if (num < 35_500_000_000uL) {
pgParameters = parametersp11;
bn = 64;
} else if (num < 15_000_000_000_000uL) {
pgParameters = parametersp13;
if (num > 7_000_000_000_000uL) { bn = 384; }
else if (num > 2_500_000_000_000uL) { bn = 320; }
else if (num > 250_000_000_000uL) { bn = 196; }
else {bn = 96;}
else {
pgParameters = parametersp17;
bn = 384;
// Initialize parameters for selected PG.
modpg = pgParameters.modulus;
rescnt = cast(uint) pgParameters.residues.length;
pairscnt = cast(uint) pgParameters.residueTwinPairs.length;
residues = pgParameters.residues;
restwins = pgParameters.residueTwinPairs;
resinvrs = pgParameters.residueInverses;
cnts = new uint[](pairscnt); // twinprime sums for seg bytes
pos = new uint[](modpg); // create modpg size array to
foreach(i; 0 .. rescnt) // for each residue
pos[residues[i] - 2] = cast(uint) i; // convert residue val -> indx
lastwins = new ulong[](pairscnt); // Holds last twin per thread
* Use PG to finds primes upto val.
* Compute the list of primes r1..sqrt(input_num), and store in global
* 'primes' array, and store their count in global var 'pcnt'.
* Any algorithm (fast|small) is usable. Here the SoZ for the PG is used.
void sozPg(ulong val) {
uint md = modpg; // PG's modulus value
ulong rscnt = rescnt; // PG's residue count
shared const(uint[]) res = residues; // PG's residues list
ulong num = (val - 1) | 1; // if val even then subtract 1
ulong k = num / md; // compute its residue group value
ulong modk = md * k; // compute the resgroup base value
uint r = 0; // from 1st residue in num's resgroup
while (num >= modk + res[r]) ++r; // find last pc val|position <= num
ulong maxpcs = k * rscnt + r; // max number of prime candidates <= num
bool[] prms = new bool[](maxpcs); // array of prime candidates set False
ulong sqrtN = cast(ulong) sqrt(cast(double) num); // integer sqrt of num
modk = 0; r = -1; k = 0; // initialize sieve parameters
// mark the multiples of the primes r1..sqrtN in 'prms'
foreach (prm; prms) { // from list of pc positions in prms
++r; if (r == rscnt) {r = 0; modk += md; ++k;}
if (prm) continue; // if pc not prime go to next location
uint prm_r = res[r]; // if prime save its residue value
ulong prime = modk + prm_r; // numerate the prime value
if (prime > sqrtN) break; // we're finished if it's > sqrtN
ulong prmstep = prime * rscnt; // prime's stepsize to mark its mults
foreach (ri; res) { // mark prime's multiples in prms
uint prod = prm_r * ri - 2; // compute cross-product for r|ri pair
// compute resgroup val of 1st prime multiple for each restrack
// starting there, mark all prime multiples on restrack upto end of prms
ulong prm_mult = (k * (prime + ri) + prod / md) * rscnt + pos[prod % md];
while (prm_mult < maxpcs) { prms[prm_mult] = true; prm_mult += prmstep; }
// prms now contains the nonprime positions for the prime candidates r1..N
// extract primes into global var 'primes' and count into global var 'pcnt'
primes = []; // create empty dynamic array for primes
modk = 0; r = -1; // initialize loop parameters
foreach (prm; prms) { // numerate|store primes from pcs list
++r; if (r == rscnt) {r = 0; modk += md;}
if (!prm) primes ~= modk + res[r]; // put prime in global 'primes' list
pcnt = cast(uint) primes.length; // set global count of primes
* Print twinprimes for given twinpair for given segment slice.
* Primes will not be displayed in sorted order, collect|sort later for that.
void printprms(uint Kn, ulong Ki, uint indx, ubyte[] seg) {
ulong modk = Ki * modpg; // base val of 1st resgroup in slice
uint res = restwins[indx]; // for hi tp residue value
foreach (k; in 0 .. Kn { // for each of Kn resgroups in slice
if (seg[k] == 0) { // if seg byte for resgroup has twinprime
if (modk + res <= num) { // and if upper twinprime <= num
write(modk + res - 1, " "); // print twinprime mid val on a line
modk += modpg; // set base value for next resgroup
* For 'nextp' array for given twinpair at 'indx' in 'restwins',
* init each col w/1st prime multiple resgroup for the primes r1..sqrt(N).
ulong[] nextp_init(int indx, ulong[] nextp) {
uint r_hi = restwins[indx]; // upper twinpair value
uint r_lo = r_hi - 2; // lower twinpair value
uint row_lo = 0; // nextp addr for lower twinpair
uint row_hi = pcnt; // nextp addr for upper twinpair
foreach(size_t j, prime; primes) { // for each primes r1..sqrt(N)
auto k = (prime - 2) / modpg; // find its resgroup
auto r = (prime - 2) % modpg + 2; // and its residue value
auto r_inv = resinvrs[pos[r - 2]]; // and its residue inverse
auto ri = (r_lo * r_inv - 2) % modpg + 2; // compute ri for r
nextp[row_lo + j] = k * (prime + ri) + (r * ri - 2) / modpg;
ri = (r_hi * r_inv - 2) % modpg + 2; // compute ri for r
nextp[row_hi + j] = k * (prime + ri) + (r * ri - 2) / modpg;
return nextp;
* Perform in a thread, the ssoz for a given twinpair, for Kmax resgroups.
* First create|init 'nextp' array of 1st prime mults for given twinpair, and
* its seg array of KB bytes, which will be gc'd|recovered at end of thread.
* For sieve, mark seg byte to '1' if either twinpair restrack is nonprime,
* for primes mults resgroups, update 'nextp' restrack slices acccordingly.
* Then find last twinprime|sum <= num, store sum in 'cnts' for this twinpair.
* Can optionally compile to print mid twinprime values generated by twinpair.
void twinsSieve(ulong Kmax, uint indx) {
uint sum = 0; // init twins cnt|1st resgroup for slice
ulong Ki = 0; // first resgroup val for each seg slice
uint Kn = 0; // resgroup seg size for each segment
uint upk = 0; // resgroup val of largest tp in seg
ulong hi_tp = 0; // value of largest tp hi pair in seg
ubyte[] seg = new ubyte[](kb); // create seg byte array for twin pair
ulong[] nextp = new ulong[](pcnt*2); // create 1st mults array for twin pair
nextp = nextp_init(indx, nextp); // init w/1st prime mults for twin pair
while (Ki < Kmax) { // for Kn resgroup size slices upto Kmax
Kn = min(kb, Kmax - Ki); // set segment slice resgroup length
foreach (b; 0 .. Kn) seg[b] = 0; // set all seg restrack bits to prime
foreach (j, prime; primes) { // for each prime index r1..sqrt(N)
// for lower twin pair residue track
ulong k = nextp[j]; // starting from this resgroup in 'seg'
while (k < Kn) { // for each primenth byte to end of 'seg'
seg[k] = seg[k] | 1; // mark byte as not a twin prime
k += prime; } // compute next prime multiple resgroup
nextp[j] = k - Kn; // save 1st resgroup in next eligible seg
// for upper twin pair residue track
k = nextp[pcnt + j]; // starting from this resgroup in 'seg'
while (k < Kn) { // for each primenth byte to end of 'seg'
seg[k] = seg[k] | 1; // mark byte as not a twin prime
k += prime; } // compute next prime multiple resgroup
nextp[pcnt + j] = k - Kn; // save 1st resgroup in next eligible seg
auto cnt = 0; // initialize segment twin primes count
foreach (k; 0 .. Kn) if (seg[k] == 0) ++cnt; // sum segment twin primes
if (cnt > 0) { // if segment has twin primes
sum += cnt; // add the segment count to total count
foreach (k; 1 .. Kn + 1) // find location of largest twin prime
if (seg[Kn - k] == 0) {upk = Kn - k; break;} // count down to largest tp
lastwins[indx] = hi_tp; // store hi_tp from previous segment
ulong modk = (Ki + upk) * modpg; // modk for largest tp
hi_tp = modk + restwins[indx]; // largest hi seg tp
// printprms(Kn, Ki, indx, seg) // display twinprimes for this twinpair
Ki += kb; // set 1st resgroup val of next seg slice
// see if largest tp in final seg in range
if (hi_tp > num) { // if outside find sum|hi_tp that's inside
foreach (k; 0 .. upk + 1) { // count down from upk resgroup to '0'
if (seg[upk - k] == 0) { // if twin prime at seg resgroup address
if (hi_tp <= num) {lastwins[indx] = hi_tp; break;} // store if in range
--sum; } // else reduce sum for too large twin
hi_tp -= modpg; // then check next lower twin pair hi val
else {lastwins[indx] = hi_tp;} // store unadjusted final seg hi_tp value
cnts[indx] = sum; // store correct(ed) sum for twin pair
* Perform in parallel segmented sieve for Kmax resgroups for each twin pair.
* Then add segs twin primes sums from each twin pair thread to 'twinscnt'.
void segsieve(ulong Kmax) {
foreach (indx; parallel(iota(0, pairscnt))) {
twinsSieve(Kmax, cast(uint) indx); // sieve a selected twinpair restracks
foreach (sum; cnts) twinscnt = twinscnt + sum; // update twinscnt w/seg sums
* Use selected Pn prime generator for SSoZ
* Main routine to setup, perform, and display results for twinprimes sieve.
void twinPrimesSsoz() {
write("Enter integer number: ");
ulong val;
readf!"%d"(val); // find primes <= val (13..2^64-1)
writeln("\nthreads = ", totalCPUs);
auto stopWatchSetup = StopWatch();
stopWatchSetup.start(); // start timing sieve setup execution
num = val - 1 | 1; // if val even subtract 1
selectPg(num); // select PG and seg factor for input number
auto k = num / modpg; // compute its resgroup
auto modk = modpg * k; // compute its base num
auto Kmax = (num - 2) / modpg + 1; // max num of resgroups
auto b = bn * 1024; // set seg size to optimize for selected PG
kb = cast(uint)(Kmax < b ? Kmax + 1 : b); // min num of segment resgroups
writeln("each thread segment is [", 1, " x ", kb, "] bytes array");
// This is not necessary for running the program but provides information
// to determine the 'efficiency' of the used PG: (num of primes)/(num of pcs)
// The closer the ratio is to '1' the higher the PG's 'efficiency'.
uint r = 0; // from first residue in last resgroup
while (num >= modk + restwins[r]) ++r; // find last tp index <= num
auto maxpairs = k * pairscnt + r; // maximum number of twinpairs <= num
writeln("twinprime candidates = ", maxpairs, "; resgroups = ", Kmax);
sozPg(cast(ulong) sqrt(cast(double) num)); // compute pcnt|primes <= sqrt(num)
writeln("each ", pairscnt, " threads has nextp[", 2, " x ", pcnt, "] array");
stopWatchSetup.stop(); // sieve setup time
writeln("setup time = ", stopWatchSetup.peek);
// 1st 4 twinprime counts
if (modpg > 30030) { twinscnt = 4; }
else if (modpg > 210) { twinscnt = 3; }
else { twinscnt = 2; }
writeln("perform twinprimes ssoz sieve"); // start doing ssoz now
auto stopWatchExecution = StopWatch(); // start timing ssoz sieve execution
segsieve(cast(ulong) Kmax); // perform total twinprime ssoz sieve
ulong ltwin = maxElement(lastwins); // find last twinprime, and its count
auto Kn = Kmax % kb; // set num of resgroups in last slice
if (Kn == 0) Kn = kb; // if mult of segsize set to seg size
stopWatchExecution.stop(); // sieve execution time
writeln("sieve time = ", stopWatchExecution.peek());
writeln("last segment = ", Kn, " resgroups; segment slices = ", Kmax / kb + 1);
writeln("total twins = ", twinscnt, "; last twin = ", ltwin - 1, "+/-1");
writeln("total time = ", stopWatchSetup.peek() + stopWatchExecution.peek());
void main()
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