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Last active July 17, 2017 01:12
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  • Save veev/2a73ea14b95be7fca206da86b817681a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save veev/2a73ea14b95be7fca206da86b817681a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// I made this when I was experimenting with Moiré patterns and
// trying to generate ways to print out designs that would animate
// if you put the right interference line pattern over it and moved it across.
// Much like the book by Takahiro Kurashima, Poemotion:
int frame = 0;
int wallOffset = 0;
final int windowWidth = 1;
final int wallWidth = 4;
boolean isDrawWallEnabled = false;
boolean isWallAnimated = true;
PImage pattern;
float r = 40.0;
float theta = 0.0;
float thetaInc = 0.05;
void setup() {
size(500, 500);
// use pgraphics instead
// create and set the patter accumulator to white
pattern = createImage(width, height, RGB);
for (int i = 0; i < pattern.pixels.length; i++) {
pattern.pixels[i] = color(255);
void draw() {
// sample
if (frame < width) {
// draw a frame of animation
translate(width/2, height/2);
for (int c = 1; c < 10; c++) {
float xPos = (r*c) * cos(theta);
float yPos = (r*c) * sin(theta);
ellipse(xPos, yPos, 2 * c, 2 * c);
theta += thetaInc;
// copy relevant slices of frame into pattern accumulation image
int windowOffset = frameCount % (wallWidth + windowWidth);
for (int x = windowOffset; x < width; x += wallWidth + windowWidth) {
for (int i = 0; i < windowWidth; i++) {
int windowX = x + i;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
// dumb darkest blend
color baseColor = pattern.get(windowX, y);
color newColor = get(windowX, y);
pattern.set(windowX, y, color(min(red(newColor), red(baseColor)), min(green(newColor), green(baseColor)), min(blue(newColor), blue(baseColor))));
} else {
// draw the image when we are done sampling
image(pattern, 0, 0);
// decoder
if (isDrawWallEnabled) {
for (int i = (wallOffset % wallWidth) - wallOffset; i < width; i += wallWidth + windowWidth) {
rect(i, 0, wallWidth, height);
if (isWallAnimated) {
wallOffset += windowWidth;
frame += wallWidth;
void keyPressed() {
if (keyCode == RIGHT) {
} else if (keyCode == LEFT) {
} else if (key == ' ') {
isDrawWallEnabled = !isDrawWallEnabled;
} else if (key == 'a') {
isWallAnimated = !isWallAnimated;
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