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Last active June 6, 2018 13:05
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xda status
# veez21 @ xda-developers
# Colors
G='\e[01;32m' # GREEN
R='\e[01;31m' # RED
Y='\e[01;33m' # YELLOW
B='\e[01;34m' # BLUE
V='\e[01;35m' # VIOLET
Bl='\e[01;30m' # BLACK
C='\e[01;36m' # CYAN
W='\e[01;37m' # WHITE
N='\e[0m' # How to use (example): echo "${G}example${N}"
[ -n "$1" ] && num=$(echo $1 | grep -Eo "[0-9]{1,8}") || {
echo "xda account needs to be entered"
echo "go to you XDA profile and get the url"
echo "e.g. '' or use '7296895'"
echo "$0"
exit 1
if which curl >/dev/null; then
maininfo=$(curl -s -k${num} | grep "<title>" | sed "s/.*<title>//;s/<.*//")
totalp=$(curl -s -k${num} | grep "Total Posts:" | grep -Eo "[0-9][,][0-9]{1,7}")
ppd=$(curl -s -k${num} | grep "Posts Per Day:" | grep -Eo "[0-9].[0-9]{1,7}")
thanks=$(curl -s -k${num} | grep "Number of Thanks:" | grep -Eo "[0-9]{1,7}")
echo "can't do it, sorry"
exit 1
echo -e "${W}\n$maininfo\n${N}"
echo -e "Total Posts: ${Y}$totalp${N}
Posts Per Day: ${Y}$ppd${N}
Number of Thanks: ${Y}$thanks${N}"
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