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Yuri Z. vega113

  • Ramat Gan, Israel
  • 02:24 (UTC +03:00)
View GitHub Profile
import os
import requests
import pandas as pd
def download_expense(link, file_name, folder):
response = requests.get(link)
if response.status_code == 200:
os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(folder, file_name), 'wb') as f:
«Счастливые семьи не возникают сами собой. Это дело требует максимальной энергии, таланта, желания, дальновидности и решимости. По-настоящему важные в жизни вещи требуют времени, размышлений, планирования. Над ними нужно работать и ради них чем-то жертвовать. Вы должны иметь желание и готовность заплатить за них полную цену».
Навык 1. Будьте проактивны
Проактивность — это способность действовать на основе принципов и ценностей, а не просто идти на поводу у эмоций или обстоятельств.
4 дарования-помощника в этом:
1) Самосознание. Посмотрите на себя и на свое поведение, свою жизнь, свои мысли словно бы со стороны, как будто на чужие. А потом вернитесь обратно и внесите необходимые изменения в свои действия.
2) Совесть
3) Воображение. Оно позволяет представить то, чего в жизни никогда не было, вообразить лучшую реакцию на происходящее, такую, которая смогла бы помочь и в ближайшей, и в долгосрочной перспективе
4) Независимая воля — способность действовать.
Суть истинного счастья: подчинять то, что хочется, ради т
vega113 / Вопросы для Курса Инструкторов 03.2020.txt
Created February 18, 2020 10:08
Вопросы для Курса Инструкторов
Вопросы для Курса Инструкторов 03.2020
«1 урок» – Вопросы 1–11
Что такое медитация? Каков ее главный принцип?
Что такое медитация?
Медитация – это глубокое размышление
+ (2 видео) Медитация - это тренировка мышления и навыка управлять своими мыслями
Каков ее главный принцип?
О чем думаешь - тем и становишься – это Закон психологии. Если ты думаешь о чем-то негативно, что-то критикуешь, осуждаешь, ты перенимаешь качество, если ты восхищаешься чем-то, ты перенимаешь качества, которыми восхищаешься.
Hash: SHA512
To whom it may concern:
I taught the Programming Blockchain Seminar in Tel Aviv on January 29 and 30, 2018 to Yuri Zelikov <>.
The student attended and finished the seminar to my satisfaction.
Version: GnuPG v2

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am vega113 on github.
  • I am vega113 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBQVHfMAipTHUDbJPO9Ea0V5aHNjuYLLUwnxAz6t_B0xwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

vega113 / gist:33b1960687e1e412bb734c80804887c4
Created January 26, 2017 16:27
America First: The Good And Bad Of It, Part 3
America First: The Good And Bad Of It, Part 3
By David Stockman. Posted On Wednesday, January 25th, 2017
Donald Trump was totally correct in canceling Obama's Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. It isn't a free trade deal at all. It's a Swamp creature from the law firms and lobbies of the Imperial City that will not generate any new US exports or breadwinner jobs in Flyover America----only full-employment for the beltway racketeers who concocted it.
Indeed, the very idea that 6,000 pages of dense legalese and a Rube Goldberg contraption for managing the flow of commerce between the 12 signatory nations has anything to do with free trade is a telling commentary on the corruption of capitalism in America and the world. And the fact that it was negotiated in secret over more than half a decade by 600 high-priced private lawyers and lobbyists is proof positive that globalism has nothing to do with capitalism or democracy.
Besides that, the whole enterprise is not the big breakthrough for expanded trade t
vega113 / gist:3cbe114c8749f3fe381b20954cd5a520
Created January 26, 2017 16:26
America First: The Good And Bad of It, Part 2
America First: The Good And Bad of It, Part 2
By David Stockman. Posted On Tuesday, January 24th, 2017
There is no route to Draining the Swamp except through a genuine policy of America First. But Donald Trump's courageous and evocative articulation of that phrase in his Inaugural address is not being matched by his choice of advisors and cabinet officers or his own signals about the direction of policy.
As to the latter, for example, at Monday's meeting of manufacturing company CEOs the Donald apparently believed he was issuing a stern warning against "off-shoring"when he declaimed:
“If you go to another country” and cut thousands of jobs, “we are going to be imposing a very major border tax” on the product that comes back in.
No he isn't!
vega113 / gist:0a435557bdfe8aff661899d0c1cbd1d0
Created January 26, 2017 16:25
America First: The Good And Bad Of It, Part 1
America First: The Good And Bad Of It, Part 1
By David Stockman. Posted On Monday, January 23rd, 2017
On his first day in office Donald Trump got two former generals confirmed to his cabinet, restored Winston Churchill's bust to the Oval Office, declared the lodestone of his policy would be "America First" and put the Imperial City on notice that it is now the designated enemy. Said the nation's newly-sworn 45th President:
"For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have born the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed".
Nothing could be more conducive to Donald Trump's admirable aspiration to return power to the people, in fact, than a foreign policy built around the genuine meaning of "America First" in its original anti-interventionist incarnation.
After all, the swamp of Big Government first came to America in 1917, not 1933. It was Woodrow Wil
vega113 / run-dont-walt.txt
Created January 26, 2017 16:23
Run, Don't Walk---This Sucker Is Going Down
Run, Don't Walk---This Sucker Is Going Down
By David Stockman. Posted On Thursday, January 26th, 2017
The day traders and robo-machines have had their scheduled madcap frolic. They have not only crossed the magic 20,000 marker, but are also making the first few months of 2000, when the dotcom bubble reached it blow-off peak, look tame by comparison.
The truth is, the stock market wasn't wrong at 11:30 PM on November 8th when it greeted the suddenly shocking prospect of Donald Trump's victory with a 1,000 point sell-off in the futures market. But it's been dead wrong since then----rising 2,700 points since the wee hours of election night or 16% in the face of overwhelming evidence that the Trump Stimulus/Reflation story is a complete mirage.
Indeed, at 2140 on election day, the S&P 500 was already drastically overvalued at 24X reported earnings. Now it stands at 2300 and is truly in the skybox section of history----with its GAAP multiple having inflated to nearly 26X the $89 per share of earnings reported fo
vega113 / check-balances.js
Created September 29, 2016 07:31
Check balances in bittrex
var bittrex = require('./node.bittrex.api.js');
'apikey': '',
'apisecret': '',
'stream': false,
'verbose': false,
'cleartext': false