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Created July 8, 2016 19:06
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  • javascript
    • types
    • operators
      • /
      • %
      • =

      • <=
      • <
      • ||
      • &&
    • variables
    • truthy/falsy
      • falsy values
        • false
        • null
        • undefined
        • the empty string ''
        • the number 0
        • the number NaN
    • conditional statements
      • if statements
      • assignment
      • ternary statements (conditional ? true : false)
      • switch statments (switch, case, break)
    • loops
      • for
      • while
      • breaking (break)
      • continuing (continue)
    • arrays
      • reason for < in for loops
      • pushing to an array
      • no associative arrays
    • functions
      • recursion
    • objects
      • json
      • object literals ({})
      • TypeError exceptions and a workaround (&&)
      • for in
        • avoiding default properties (hasOwnProperty)
      • by reference rather than value
      • object constructors
      • this
      • the prototype (.prototype)
      • checking the type (typeof)
      • removing properties (delete)
      • cascading (return this)
    • scope
      • global
      • local
      • protecting your methods and data
      • closures
    • callbacks
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