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Created February 9, 2018 20:57
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'use strict';
var map;
module.exports = {
loadMap: function(m) { map = m; },
findPath: function(options) {
var start = options.start, end = options.end;
if(start.x == end.x && start.y == end.y || !(map[end.x+':'+end.y] >= 0)) return [];
var startH = calcH(end,start);
var current = { x: start.x, y: start.y, grid: start.x+':'+start.y, g: 0, h: startH, f: startH };
var startIsCurrent = true;
var openCount = 0, open = {}, closed = {};
// Add starting grid to open list
open[current.grid] = current; openCount++;
while(openCount > 0) {
closed[current.grid] = current;
delete open[current.grid]; openCount--;
// Check if ending reached
if(current.x == end.x && current.y == end.y) { return constructPath(start,current,closed); }
// Add neighbors
for(var nx = -1; nx <= 1; nx++) { for(var ny = -1; ny <= 1; ny++) {
// Skip self and diagonals
if((nx == 0 && ny == 0) || Math.abs(nx)+Math.abs(ny) > 1) continue;
var neighbor = {
parent: current.grid, x: +current.x + nx, y: +current.y + ny,
grid: (+current.x + nx) +':'+ (+current.y + ny)
// If grid is walkable and not closed
if(map[neighbor.grid] >= 0 && !closed[neighbor.grid]) {
// Subtract own height from Z if on starting grid
var currentZ = startIsCurrent ? map[current.grid] - 0.5 : map[current.grid];
if(Math.abs(currentZ - map[neighbor.grid]) > 0.5) continue;
neighbor.g = current.g + 10;
neighbor.h = calcH(end,neighbor); neighbor.f = neighbor.g + neighbor.h;
var existing = open[neighbor.grid];
if(existing) { // If neighbor was already checked
if(existing.g > neighbor.g) { // If this G is better
existing.g = neighbor.g; existing.f = existing.g + existing.h;
existing.parent = current.grid;
} else { // Neighbor is a new square
open[neighbor.grid] = neighbor; openCount++;
current = getBest(open);
startIsCurrent = false;
return [];
var calcH = function(a,b) {
var x = Math.abs(a.x - b.x), y = Math.abs(a.y - b.y);
if(x > y) return 8*y+5*x; else return 8*x+5*y;
var getBest = function(list) {
var best;
for(var key in list) { if(!list.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
if(!best || best.f > list[key].f) best = list[key];
return best;
var constructPath = function(start,current,closed) {
var path = []; var cur = current;
while(true) {
if(cur.x == start.x && cur.y == start.y) break;
path.push({ x: cur.x, y: cur.y, z: map[cur.x+':'+cur.y] });
cur = closed[cur.parent];
return path.reverse();
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