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Forked from lox/Makefile
Created October 5, 2015 07:42
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Replaced Grunt/Gulp with a Makefile
SASSC = sass --style compact
COMPSDIR = resources/assets/components
SASSDIR = resources/assets/css
JSDIR = resources/assets/js
DISTDIR = web/dist
$(COMPSDIR)/asimov/src/scss \
$(COMPSDIR)/asimov-contests/src/scss \
MANIFEST = $(DISTDIR)/.manifest
JSBINS = node_modules/.bin
PHPBINS = vendor/bin
LRURL = http://localhost:35729/changed
JSFILES = $(wildcard $(JSDIR)/bundles/*.js)
SASSFILES = $(shell find $(SASSDIR) -name '*.scss' | grep -v '/_')
# default target
all: build
# build all front-end assets
build: sass requirejs manifest
# run tests
test: test-js test-php
$(JSBINS)/karma start config/karma.conf.js --single-run
$(PHPBINS)/phpunit --stop-on-error --stop-on-failure
# compile a .manifest of all front-end assets
find $(DISTDIR) -type f -exec cksum {} \; | sed -e "s#$(DISTDIR)/##" | cut -f1,3 -d" " >$(MANIFEST)
# compile sass files ito dist css files
sass: $(patsubst $(SASSDIR)/%.scss, $(CSSDIR)/%.css, $(SASSFILES))
# compile sass with the native sass --update syntax
$(SASSC) -C $(foreach d, $(SASSINC), -I$d) --update $(SASSDIR):$(CSSDIR)
$(DISTDIR)/css/%.css: $(SASSDIR)/%.scss
@echo compiling $@
@mkdir -p $(shell dirname $@)
@$(SASSC) -C $(foreach d, $(SASSINC), -I$d) $? $@
# build production js with requirejs
requirejs: $(patsubst $(JSDIR)/%, $(DISTDIR)/js/%, $(JSFILES))
$(DISTDIR)/js/bundles/%.js: $(JSDIR)/bundles/%.js
$(JSBINS)/r.js -o $(JSDIR)/build.js include=$(patsubst $(DISTDIR)/js/%.js,%,$@) out=$@
# watch assets for changes in development
$(JSBINS)/livereload $(DISTDIR) &
$(JSBINS)/wach -o "$(DISTDIR)/**/*" make manifest &
$(SASSC) $(foreach d, $(SASSINC), -I$d) --watch $(SASSDIR):$(CSSDIR)
# set up the tool chain
@gem list bundler >/dev/null || { gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri; }
bundle install
npm install
composer install --dev --no-interaction
$(JSBINS)/bower install --allow-root
# clean up only js directory
-rm -rf $(DISTDIR)/js
# delete npm modules, composer vendors and bower components
-rm -rf node_modules
-rm -rf composer_dev
-rm -rf resources/assets/components
# clean up dist directory
-rm -rf $(DISTDIR)
-rm -rf .sass-cache
# these are targets that don't produce a file of the same name
.PHONY: all clean clean-js clean-toolchain watch sass requirejs manifest test test-php test-js build setup-toolchain
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