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Created September 12, 2022 12:00
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Benchmarking spectral/spatial profile reads using S3 signed URLs
import DataView from "";
async function getPartialFile(url: string, byteOffset: number = 0, byteLength: number = 4096) {
try {
const headers = new Headers();
headers.append("Range", `bytes=${byteOffset}-${byteOffset+byteLength - 1}`);
const res = await fetch(url, { mode: "no-cors", headers });
return await res.blob();
} catch (err) {
async function readFitsHeader(url: string, maxHeaderCount = 8192): Promise<{headers: string[], dataOffset: number}> {
const headers = new Array<string>();
let offset = 0;
const lineSize = 80;
const chunkSize = 2880;
const linesPerChunk = chunkSize / lineSize;
while (headers.length < maxHeaderCount) {
const data = await getPartialFile(url, offset, chunkSize);
const text = await data?.text();
offset += chunkSize;
if (text?.length === chunkSize) {
for (let i = 0; i < linesPerChunk; i++) {
const entry = text.slice(i * lineSize, (i + 1) * lineSize);
if (entry.startsWith("END")) {
return {headers, dataOffset: offset};
return {headers, dataOffset: -1};
type FitsSize = {
bitPix: number;
bytesPerPixel: number;
dims: number[];
function parseFitsHeader(headers: string[]): FitsSize | undefined {
const bitPixRegex = /^BITPIX =\s*(-?\d+)/;
const naxisRegex = /^NAXIS =\s*(\d+)/;
let bitPix;
let naxis;
for (const header of headers) {
const result = header.match(bitPixRegex);
if (result?.length === 2) {
bitPix = Number.parseInt(result[1]);
for (const header of headers) {
const result = header.match(naxisRegex);
if (result?.length === 2) {
naxis = Number.parseInt(result[1]);
if (bitPix && naxis) {
const dimsRegex = /^NAXIS(\d+)\s*=\s*(\d+)/;
const dims = new Array<number>(naxis);
for (const header of headers) {
const result = header.match(dimsRegex);
if (result?.length === 3) {
const index = Number.parseInt(result[1]) - 1;
const size = Number.parseInt(result[2]);
if (size && index >= 0 && index < naxis) {
dims[index] = size;
return {dims, bitPix, bytesPerPixel: Math.abs(bitPix) / 8};
return undefined;
async function getXProfile(url: string, offset: number, fitsSize: FitsSize, y: number, channel: number): Promise<Float32Array | Float64Array | Int32Array | undefined> {
// Only support Float32 images with 2+ dimensions
if (fitsSize.bitPix !== -32) {
return undefined;
if (fitsSize.dims.length < 2) {
return undefined;
const lineLength = fitsSize.bytesPerPixel * fitsSize.dims[0];
const sliceLength = lineLength * fitsSize.dims[1];
if (y) {
offset += y * lineLength;
if (channel) {
offset += channel * sliceLength;
const res = await getPartialFile(url, offset, lineLength);
const buffer = await res?.arrayBuffer();
const data = new Float32Array(fitsSize.dims[0]);
const view = new DataView(buffer);
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
data[i] = view.getFloat32(i * 4, false);
return data;
async function fillPixel(url: string, offset: number, data: Float32Array, index: number) {
const res = await getPartialFile(url, offset, 4);
const buffer = await res?.arrayBuffer();
const view = new DataView(buffer);
data[index] = view.getFloat32(0, false);
async function getYProfile(url: string, offset: number, fitsSize: FitsSize, x: number, channel: number): Promise<Float32Array | Float64Array | Int32Array | undefined> {
// Only support Float32 images with 2+ dimensions
if (fitsSize.bitPix !== -32) {
return undefined;
if (fitsSize.dims.length < 2) {
return undefined;
const lineLength = fitsSize.bytesPerPixel * fitsSize.dims[0];
const sliceLength = lineLength * fitsSize.dims[1];
if (x) {
offset += x * fitsSize.bytesPerPixel;
if (channel) {
offset += channel * sliceLength;
const data = new Float32Array(fitsSize.dims[1]);
const promises = [];
for (let y = 0; y < fitsSize.dims[1]; y++) {
promises.push(fillPixel(url, offset, data, y));
offset += lineLength;
await Promise.all(promises);
return data;
async function getZProfile(url: string, offset: number, fitsSize: FitsSize, x: number, y: number): Promise<Float32Array | Float64Array | Int32Array | undefined> {
// Only support Float32 images with 3+ dimensions
if (fitsSize.bitPix !== -32) {
return undefined;
if (fitsSize.dims.length < 3) {
return undefined;
const lineLength = fitsSize.bytesPerPixel * fitsSize.dims[0];
const sliceLength = lineLength * fitsSize.dims[1];
if (x) {
offset += x * fitsSize.bytesPerPixel;
if (y) {
offset += y * lineLength;
const data = new Float32Array(fitsSize.dims[2]);
const promises = [];
for (let z = 0; z < fitsSize.dims[2]; z++) {
promises.push(fillPixel(url, offset, data, z));
offset += sliceLength;
await Promise.all(promises);
return data;
const signedUrl =
const fileSize = 10.1 * 1024**3;
const numTests = 8192;
const numStreams = 4096;
const chunkSize = 4096;
const queueDepth = numTests / numStreams;
let testsCompleted = 0;
async function getPartialFileStream() {
for (let i = 0; i < queueDepth; i++) {
const startOffset = Math.floor(Math.random() * (fileSize - chunkSize));
await getPartialFile(signedUrl, startOffset, chunkSize);
async function benchIops() {
console.log("Warming up");
await getPartialFile(signedUrl);
console.log("Starting benchmark");
const tStart =;
const promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numStreams; i++) {
await Promise.all(promises);
const tEnd =;
const dt = tEnd - tStart;
const iops = numTests / dt * 1000;
const throughput = iops * chunkSize / (1024**2);
console.log(`${testsCompleted} requests completed in ${dt.toFixed(1)} ms (${iops.toFixed(0)} IOPS, ${throughput.toFixed(1)} MB/s)`);
async function benchProfiles() {
const res = await readFitsHeader(signedUrl);
console.log(`Data starts at offset ${res.dataOffset} bytes`);
const fitsSize = parseFitsHeader(res.headers);
if (fitsSize && fitsSize.dims.length >= 3) {
const lineLength = fitsSize.bytesPerPixel * fitsSize.dims[0];
const sliceLength = lineLength * fitsSize.dims[1];
const cubeLength = sliceLength * fitsSize.dims[2];
console.log(fitsSize, {lineLength, sliceLength, cubeLength});
const numTests = 25;
let sumX = 0;
let sumX2 = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < numTests; i++) {
const pixelLocation = {x: Math.floor(Math.random() * fitsSize.dims[0]), y: Math.floor(Math.random() * fitsSize.dims[1]), z: Math.floor(Math.random() * fitsSize.dims[2])};
const tStart =;
const profile = await getYProfile(signedUrl, res.dataOffset, fitsSize, pixelLocation.x, pixelLocation.z);
//const profile = await getZProfile(signedUrl, res.dataOffset, fitsSize, pixelLocation.x, pixelLocation.y);
const tEnd =;
const dt = tEnd - tStart;
sumX += dt;
sumX2 += dt*dt;
const numPixels = profile?.length ?? 0;
const iops = numPixels / dt * 1000;
console.log(`Spatial profile for (x,z)=(${pixelLocation.x}, ${pixelLocation.z}) fetched in ${dt.toFixed(1)} ms (${numPixels} pixels @ ${iops.toFixed(0)} IOPS)`);
//console.log(`Spectral profile for (x,y)=(${pixelLocation.x}, ${pixelLocation.y}) fetched in ${dt.toFixed(1)} ms (${numPixels} pixels @ ${iops.toFixed(0)} IOPS)`);
const meanTime = sumX / numTests;
const stdDev = Math.sqrt(sumX2 / numTests - meanTime * meanTime);
console.log(`${meanTime.toFixed(1)} +- ${stdDev.toFixed(1)} ms`);
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