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Last active May 27, 2022 21:02
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import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2
import org.veiset.tsar.engine2.utils.component1
import org.veiset.tsar.engine2.utils.component2
import org.veiset.tsar.engine2.utils.x
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.cos
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.sin
import kotlin.math.sqrt
import kotlin.random.Random
data class Universe(
val seed: Long,
val numberOfTiers: Int = 25,
val removeRandomConnections: Boolean = true,
val chanceToConnect: Float = 1f,
val chanceToConnectSameTier: Float = 0.1f
) {
private val random = Random(seed)
val worlds: List<List<World>> = (0..numberOfTiers).map(::generateTier)
init {
worlds.forEachIndexed { tierIndex, tier: List<World> ->
if (worlds.size - 1 > tierIndex) {
val nextTier = worlds[tierIndex + 1]
connectEverything(tier, nextTier)
if (tierIndex > 2) {
if (removeRandomConnections) {
removeRandomConnections(tier, tierIndex)
private fun connectEverything(tier: List<World>, nextTier: List<World>) { { world ->
world.connections = nextTier
.filter { world.withinReach(it) && random.nextFloat() <= chanceToConnect }
private fun removeRandomConnections(tier: List<World>, tierIndex: Int) {
tier.shuffled(random).take(tierIndex).map {
it.connections = it.connections.shuffled(random).subList(0, (0..1).random(random))
private fun addRandomNeighbourConnections(tier: List<World>) {
tier.mapIndexed { mapIndex, world ->
val n1 = if (mapIndex - 1 < 0) tier[tier.size - 1] else tier[mapIndex - 1]
val n2 = if (mapIndex + 1 > tier.size - 1) tier[0] else tier[mapIndex + 1]
if (chanceToConnectSameTier > random.nextFloat()) {
n1.connections += world
world.connections += n1
if (chanceToConnectSameTier > random.nextFloat()) {
n2.connections += world
world.connections += n2
private fun generateTier(tier: Int): List<World> {
val maxWorlds = if (tier > 2) tier * 3 + 1 else tier * 2 + 1
val angle = 100f / maxWorlds
val halfAngle = (angle / 2.0)
return (0..(maxWorlds - 1))
.map { index ->
val rn = if (random.nextBoolean()) -1 else 1
val noise = random.nextFloat()
val randomAngle = noise * halfAngle * 0.9 * rn
val radAngle = Math.toRadians((360f / 100f) * (index * angle + randomAngle)).toFloat()
val position = Vector2(tier * cos(radAngle), tier * -sin(radAngle))
tier = tier,
index = index,
size = angle,
position = position,
seed = random.nextLong(),
iconSize = 40
fun worldAtPosition(click: Vector2, radius: Float, size: Float): World? {
val xtier = ((click.x / radius).absoluteValue + 0.5) // optimize checking
val ytier = ((click.y / radius).absoluteValue + 0.5) // optimize checking
val tier = sqrt(xtier.pow(2) + ytier.pow(2)).toInt()
return worlds.getOrNull(tier)?.firstOrNull { it.atPosition(click, radius, size) }
data class World(
val tier: Int,
val index: Int,
val size: Float,
val position: Vector2,
val seed: Long,
val iconSize: Int = 40,
var cleared: Boolean = false,
val mapSize: Pair<Int, Int> = Pair(60, 40)
) {
var connections: List<World> = emptyList()
val icon = WorldIcon(seed, iconSize)
val monsters: Int = 10 + tier + (Random(seed).nextFloat() * 10 * tier).toInt()
fun withinReach(world: World): Boolean {
val targetPosition = world.size * world.index
val pos = index * size
val reach = size / 2f
if (pos + reach > targetPosition && pos - reach < targetPosition) {
return true
if (pos - reach < 0 && 100 - reach < targetPosition) {
return true
if (pos + reach > 100 && 100 - pos + reach > targetPosition) {
return true
return false
fun atPosition(click: Vector2, scale: Float, iconSize: Float): Boolean {
val (x, y) = (this.position.x * scale x this.position.y * scale)
val offset = iconSize / 2
return click.x in (x - offset..x + offset) && click.y in (y - offset..y + offset)


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