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Created April 24, 2016 21:25
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Simple Waze wrapper for querying route cross time with / without real time data. More work is required with parsing the JSON returned from the server to extract the textual route information, but it should be pretty straightforward.
import json
import urllib
class WazeLocationNotFoundException(Exception):
class Waze(object):
_BASE_URL = ""
def __mozi(self, query):
url = Waze._BASE_URL + "WAS/mozi"
result = urllib.urlopen(url, data=urllib.urlencode({"q": query})).read()
return json.loads(result)
def locationOf(self, place):
response = self.__mozi(place)
if response:
return response[0][u"location"]
raise WazeLocationNotFoundException("'%s' cannot be found" % place)
def __routeData(self, fromLocation, toLocation, maxNumberOfRoutes):
url = Waze._BASE_URL + "RoutingManager/routingRequest"
params = {
"from": "x:%s y:%s bd:true" % (fromLocation[u"lon"], fromLocation[u"lat"]),
"to": "x:%s y:%s bd:true" % (toLocation[u"lon"], toLocation[u"lat"]),
"returnJSON": "true",
"returnGeometries": "false",
"returnInstructions": "false",
"timeout": 60000,
"nPaths": maxNumberOfRoutes
return json.loads(urllib.urlopen(url, data=urllib.urlencode(params)).read())
def routes(self, source, target, maxNumberOfRoutes = 2):
fromLocation = self.locationOf(source)
toLocation = self.locationOf(target)
result = self.__routeData(fromLocation, toLocation, maxNumberOfRoutes)
routes = []
for route in result[u"alternatives"]:
directions = []
for direction in route[u"response"][u"results"]:
"crossTime": direction[u"crossTime"],
"crossTimeWithoutRealTime": direction[u"crossTimeWithoutRealTime"],
"distance": direction[u"distance"],
"length": direction[u"length"],
return routes
if __name__ == "__main__":
waze = Waze()
routes = waze.routes("Jerusalem", "Tel Aviv", 3)
for index, route in enumerate(routes):
print "Route %d" % index
print "====================="
print "Total length: %g km" % (sum([d["length"] for d in route]) / 1000.0)
print "Total time: %g mins" % (sum([d["crossTime"] for d in route]) / 60.0)
print "Total time (w/o real time): %g mins" % (sum([d["crossTimeWithoutRealTime"] for d in route]) / 60.0)
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