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Last active December 31, 2015 22:29
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  • Save velosipedist/8053697 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save velosipedist/8053697 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Php var_dump() analog for console output, from this post:
function var_debug($variable,$strlen=100,$width=25,$depth=10,$i=0,&$objects = array())
$search = array("\0", "\a", "\b", "\f", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\v");
$replace = array('\0', '\a', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\v');
$string = '';
switch(gettype($variable)) {
case 'boolean': $string.= $variable?'true':'false'; break;
case 'integer': $string.= $variable; break;
case 'double': $string.= $variable; break;
case 'resource': $string.= '[resource]'; break;
case 'NULL': $string.= "null"; break;
case 'unknown type': $string.= '???'; break;
case 'string':
$len = strlen($variable);
$variable = str_replace($search,$replace,substr($variable,0,$strlen),$count);
$variable = substr($variable,0,$strlen);
if ($len<$strlen) $string.= '"'.$variable.'"';
else $string.= 'string('.$len.'): "'.$variable.'"...';
case 'array':
$len = count($variable);
if ($i==$depth) $string.= 'array('.$len.') {...}';
elseif(!$len) $string.= 'array(0) {}';
else {
$keys = array_keys($variable);
$spaces = str_repeat(' ',$i*2);
$string.= "array($len)\n".$spaces.'{';
foreach($keys as $key) {
if ($count==$width) {
$string.= "\n".$spaces." ...";
$string.= "\n".$spaces." [$key] => ";
$string.= var_debug($variable[$key],$strlen,$width,$depth,$i+1,&$objects);
case 'object':
$id = array_search($variable,$objects,true);
if ($id!==false)
$string.=get_class($variable).'#'.($id+1).' {...}';
else if($i==$depth)
$string.=get_class($variable).' {...}';
else {
$id = array_push($objects,&$variable);
$array = (array)$variable;
$spaces = str_repeat(' ',$i*2);
$string.= get_class($variable)."#$id\n".$spaces.'{';
$properties = array_keys($array);
foreach($properties as $property) {
$name = str_replace("\0",':',trim($property));
$string.= "\n".$spaces." [$name] => ";
$string.= var_debug($array[$property],$strlen,$width,$depth,$i+1,&$objects);
$string.= "\n".$spaces.'}';
if ($i>0) return $string;
$backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
do $caller = array_shift($backtrace); while ($caller && !isset($caller['file']));
if ($caller) $string = $caller['file'].':'.$caller['line']."\n".$string;
echo $string;
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