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Last active October 21, 2020 11:26
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package main
import (
admissionregistrationv1 ""
metav1 ""
ctrl ""
func createMutationConfig(caCert *bytes.Buffer) {
var (
webhookNamespace, _ = os.LookupEnv("WEBHOOK_NAMESPACE")
mutationCfgName, _ = os.LookupEnv("MUTATE_CONFIG")
// validationCfgName, _ = os.LookupEnv("VALIDATE_CONFIG") Not used here in below code
webhookService, _ = os.LookupEnv("WEBHOOK_SERVICE")
config := ctrl.GetConfigOrDie()
kubeClient, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
if err != nil {
panic("failed to set go -client")
path := "/mutate"
fail := admissionregistrationv1.Fail
mutateconfig := &admissionregistrationv1.MutatingWebhookConfiguration{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: mutationCfgName,
Webhooks: []admissionregistrationv1.MutatingWebhook{{
Name: "",
ClientConfig: admissionregistrationv1.WebhookClientConfig{
CABundle: caCert.Bytes(), // CA bundle created earlier
Service: &admissionregistrationv1.ServiceReference{
Name: webhookService,
Namespace: webhookNamespace,
Path: &path,
Rules: []admissionregistrationv1.RuleWithOperations{{Operations: []admissionregistrationv1.OperationType{
Rule: admissionregistrationv1.Rule{
APIGroups: []string{"apps"},
APIVersions: []string{"v1"},
Resources: []string{"deployments"},
FailurePolicy: &fail,
if _, err := kubeClient.AdmissionregistrationV1().MutatingWebhookConfigurations().Create(mutateconfig)
err != nil {
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