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Created May 22, 2024 10:35
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  • Save velotiotech/778f52a2d9c0ed179e7c6381f248e6ef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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spark.sql(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS demo.db.iceberg_data_2(id INT, first_name String,
last_name String, address String, pincocde INT, net_income INT, source_of_income String,
state String, email_id String, description String, population INT, population_1 String,
population_2 String, population_3 String, population_4 String, population_5 String, population_6 String,
population_7 String, date INT)
USING iceberg
TBLPROPERTIES ('format'='parquet', 'format-version' = '2')
location 's3a://abhishek-test-01012023/iceberg_v2/db/iceberg_data_2'""")
# Read the data that need to be written
# Reading the data from delta tables in spark Dataframe
df ="s3a://abhishek-test-01012023/delta-lake-sample-data/")"Starting writing the data")
df.sortWithinPartitions("date").writeTo("demo.db.iceberg_data").partitionedBy("date").createOrReplace()"Writing has been finished")"Query the data from iceberg using spark SQL")
spark.sql("describe table demo.db.iceberg_data").show()
spark.sql("Select * from demo.db.iceberg_data limit 10").show()
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