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Created December 7, 2020 07:11
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import { buildFederatedSchema } from '@apollo/federation';
import { ApolloServer, gql } from 'apollo-server';
import User from './datasources/models/User';
import mongoStore from './mongoStore';
const typeDefs = gql`
type User @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
username: String!
extend type Query {
users: [User]
user(id: ID!): User
extend type Mutation {
createUser(userPayload: UserPayload): User
input UserPayload {
username: String!
const resolvers = {
Query: {
users: async () => {
const allUsers = await User.find({});
return allUsers;
user: async (_, { id }) => {
const currentUser = await User.findOne({ _id: id });
return currentUser;
User: {
__resolveReference: async (ref) => {
const currentUser = await User.findOne({ _id: });
return currentUser;
Mutation: {
createUser: async (_, { userPayload: { username } }) => {
const user = new User({ username });
const createdUser = await;
return createdUser;
const server = new ApolloServer({
schema: buildFederatedSchema([{ typeDefs, resolvers }]),
server.listen({ port: 4001 }).then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`User service ready at url: ${url}`);
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