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Created June 23, 2020 10:22
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const { Model } = require('objection');
const Animal = require('./Animal');
class Person extends Model {
// Table name is the only required property.
static get tableName() {
return 'persons';
// Optional JSON schema. This is not the database schema. Nothing is generated
// based on this. This is only used for validation. Whenever a model instance
// is created it is checked against this schema.
static get jsonSchema() {
return {
type: 'object',
required: ['firstName', 'lastName'],
properties: {
id: { type: 'integer' },
parentId: { type: ['integer', 'null'] },
firstName: { type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },
lastName: { type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },
age: { type: 'number' },
address: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
street: { type: 'string' },
city: { type: 'string' },
zipCode: { type: 'string' }
// This object defines the relations to other models.
static get relationMappings() {
return {
pets: {
relation: Model.HasManyRelation,
// The related model. This can be either a Model subclass constructor or an
// absolute file path to a module that exports one.
modelClass: Animal,
join: {
from: '',
to: 'animals.ownerId'
module.exports = Person;
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