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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Project Euler solutions
-- take step in eratosphen cell by removing all multipliers of x in xs
ec_step :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
ec_step 1 xs = xs
ec_step x xs = [ j | j <- xs, mod j x /= 0 ]
-- eratosphen cell recursive
ec_recc :: ([Integer], [Integer]) -> ([Integer], [Integer])
ec_recc (ps, []) = (ps, [])
ec_recc (ps, xs) = (x:ps, ec_step x xs)
where x = head xs
-- repeat :: f -> n -> repeat it
rep f (ps, []) = (ps, [])
rep f (ps, xs) = rep f (f (ps, xs))
-- primes till x
primes_till x = fst $ rep ec_recc ([], [2..x])
-- checks if x is prime
isPrime :: Integer -> Bool
isPrime x = if mod x 2 == 0
then False
else [ f | f <- [1..x], mod x f == 0 ] == [1,x]
-- prime factors of x
prime_factors :: Integer -> [Integer]
prime_factors x = [ f | f <- primes_till x, mod x f == 0]
-- largest factor of given number
largest_factor :: Integer -> Integer
largest_factor = maximum . prime_factors
vector_base :: Integer -> [Integer]
vector_base = primes_till . m
where m x = truncate $ sqrt $ exp $ sqrt $ log f * log (log f)
where f = fromIntegral x
dicson_factors :: Integer -> [Integer]
dicson_factors x = [ f | f <- vector_base x, x `mod` f == 0]
concat' :: [[a]] -> [a]
concat' xss = foldr (++) [] xss
isSquare :: (Integral a) => a -> Bool
isSquare n = (round . sqrt $ fromIntegral n) ^ 2 == n
sqrt' :: (Integral a) => a -> a
sqrt' x = truncate . sqrt $ fromIntegral x
ferma' :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> [a]
ferma' n k = if isSquare y
then [x + sqrt' y, x - sqrt' y]
else ferma' n (k+1)
where y = x^2 - n
x = (sqrt' n) + 1 + k
full_ferma x = [ if isPrime j then [j] else concat' (full_ferma j) | j <- ferma' x 1]
ferma = concat' . full_ferma
-- *Main> ferma 600851475143
-- [1471,839,6857,71]
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