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Created September 9, 2018 10:02
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(ns down-to-zero.core)
(defn factorial
[i n factors]
(if (> i (Math/sqrt n))
;; we've found all the factors, return
(if (zero? (mod n i))
;; this is a factor, add it, increment i, and recurse
(factorial (inc i) n (conj factors i (/ n i)))
;; this is not a factor, increment i and recurse
(factorial (inc i) n factors))))
(defn factor-cost
(let [f (factorial 1 n #{})
c (count f)]
(if (odd? c)
;; the number has an integer square root
(first (drop (Math/floor (/ c 2)) (sort f)))
;; the number doesn't have an integer square root; take the larger of its
;; two median factors
(second (drop (dec (Math/floor (/ c 2))) (sort f))))))
(defn cost-fn
(let [f-cost (factor-cost q)]
(if (< f-cost q)
;; using one of the factors has a cost of 1
(inc (cost-fn f-cost))
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